the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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Hey, what a shocker! Da Mare is on board with Blago’s ridiculous cash handout!

You know, it’s a sad day when I have to side with Judy Baar Topinka, but … for pete’s sake, people. The state is flat broke. Where is this money coming from? Is there a magical transit leprechaun pot of gold that you just found in the governor’s mansion? And, yeah, let’s just throw cash at the CTA and ignore Pace and Metra, because that’s a really good way to make the collar counties feel warm and cosy about how well they’re being taken care of by these funding packages. Not to mention, this only postpones the problem for another month! I’m sorry, but eliminating busses in November sucks just as much as eliminating them in September, it only buys you guys a few days off the hot seat. And, did I ask this already — where is this money coming from?? Seriously, you just spent months in a budget stalemate because there was no money. So either you were holding out on us all summer long about the secret pile of cash under G-Rod’s mattress, or you’re waving your big gubernatorial Discover Card at the problem, and guys, I gotta tell you, you seriously cannot put your regional mass transit on a charge card. And it’s not a frigging solution to the problem!!!

Although, I will say this about the whole situation: I’m really enjoying having chats about this issue with the firm’s in-house lawyer, at work. He’s, predictably, conservative, but as it happens, I really enjoy talking about political issues with people who disagree with me, so long as we’re both more invested in a quality debate than in dogma (that caveat being why I avoid discussing politics with, say, family members), so we’ve actually had several really fun conversations. Anyways, today I ran into him in the hall, and I was like, “Hey, I bet I know something we are in total agreement about right now!” And I wasn’t wrong!

checking in

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hm. have been running around (as usual) lately, but:

1) Still working on the sysadmin blog. It turns out, it takes time to come up with that style of blog entry — way more time than slapping up a quick link and complaining about people maligning britney spears. who knew? am contemplating asking other people to contribute. i still think a sysadmin blog would be a neat idea, but i no longer thing i am up to the task of 2 full length articles a week. so, for now, back burner.
2) Have been reading Dr. Housing Bubble lately. i appreciate the reality check, vs. people telling me that a mortgage is a “forced savings plan” (yeah, one with a $10-$15k upfront nonrefundable fee, plus one where you’re not earning interest, someone else is) and irritating guilt trips over renting. i like renting! renting is perfectly workable for me. i may eventually buy a place, but it’s certainly not going to be in this market, and it’s certainly not going to cost me 50% of my net income. that shit is insane.
3) Got the new Kanye West album yesterday. *thumbs up* did maybe feel a little out of place, being a white chick in a volkswagen, windows down and radio up, driving around Woodlawn and 97th, yesterday. oh well. life’s rough like that sometimes.
4) I’m still pretty hot over the transit funding situation. Apparently now G-Rod is trying to be all save-the-day and ride his magical unicorn in with a bucket of cash (Sun-Times) and is actually pissed off that the transit boards are not falling at his feet in gratitude. “I would say that they should not look a gift horse in the mouth … it seems to me, pretty ungrateful if they turn down this help.” I can actually agree with Judy Baar Topinka on this one: “[T]his is just a payday loan.” It’s not a solution! You are waving your Discover Card at the CTA in hopes we’ll all shut up bitching! Maybe you should quit trying to kill bills that would raise actual money to fund our transit, like more than a couple of weeks’ worth of cash, if you want us to shut up! Arrrrgh! I am so sorry I ever voted for you. The only thing you’ve done I still approve of is the pharmacy emergency contraception mandatory distribution, and frankly, I could have gotten that from a lot of people.
5) Stupid transit. I’m driving to work today, and just thinking about this situation is about to make me late getting ready for work.

dear popular media outlets and entertainment “journalists”:

you can pick on a lot of things to do with britney spears’ appearance at the mtv video music awards.

Britney Spears at the MTV VMAs

you can pick on her hair, which clearly needs some TLC and a pair of scissors.
you can pick on her vacant facial expression in this photo.
you can pick on lip-syncing.
you can pick on tacky costumes.
you can pick on insufficiently practiced dance routines.
you can even pick on the music if you want to pretend to a higher journalistic plane than this.

but you cannot say that she is fat. she’s not. she’s not emaciated, but she’s not fat. she’s not “too heavy,” as your article says. she’s not a slob. her arms are toned, her boobs are not falling out of the bra, she has a defined waist, she has nice thighs, and she has a nice belly. she’s not fat. quit making such a fuss as though she weighs a hundred and eighty pounds and could barely wash off the cheeto-dust from her fingers before going on stage just because you can’t see every rib in her upper chest like hilary swank. britney spears is not fat! you are being ridiculous!

no love,

je tue le temps

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so this evening after work i meandered up to 810 N Dearborn and fait l’examen, and now i’ve managed to get myself all registered for classes at the Alliance Française de Chicago. so starting next week, twice a week, i’ll go wear a beret and smoke gauloises and make snooty remarks about the english. and if i’m really lucky, i’ll remember what the hell the imparfait de l’indicatif is used for.

after registering, i walked home, which was not a bad walk at all (about three miles), except for the part where i was wearing cute but very thin-soled ballet flats (which are perfectly comfy so long as your chief activity is wandering around a carpeted office, and not, say, broken sidewalk, for walking over which one might want a shoe with more arch support than a thin piece of suede). also, next time, maybe not so much with the scenic foot tour of cabrini-green.

so someone, like, friended, or whatever the appropriate verb is, me on facebook, thus inviting me to sign up, and so, despite having lost my .edu email address possession (cough kinda cough) apparently that’s no longer a restriction, therefore i signed up. (i feel like such a trendwhore. only, given my very lateness to facebook, a really incompetent one….)

i promptly clicked to see who else from my high school graduating class was on there, looked at their profile pictures, and realized we’re all old now, and closed the browser tab with extreme prejudice.

dammit. i can’t be old! i’m hip and with it! i have funny-colored hair! i have a sweet pair of red patent mary janes! i listen to indie rock! i … dammit!

i’m going to sulk over here in the corner and, like, do some retirement planning. stupid kids and their stupid facebook. dammit.