the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

of my goals for this weekend, this is what i accomplished: clean living room; box of to-donate books (and then some); clean/reorganize office closet; get new elliptical trainer delivered, assembled, put in correct place, and used; take out trash; replace failed auto kitty box with shiny new auto kitty box; hit target for new shower curtain liner; buy new shredder; clean bedroom; organize shoes; box up yarn to send to friend; install doorstop for front door so it stops bashing into the wall and annoying me; install coat hook behind front door so i stop hanging things on my stereo shelf.

these are the things i failed to accomplish: keep office clean (piled it full of living room stuff while cleaning the living room; have gotten most but not quite all of it taken care of; desktop is cluttered and there is a large pile of mail to be sorted, which should be even more fun than normal now that i have a shiny new shredder), clean kitchen (it’s largely de-stuffed and major targets (fridge, countertop) are clean, but it’s still cluttered and i couldn’t actually use my kitchen table to eat a meal), take things-i-no-longer-need to the brown elephant.

this post isn’t just some sort of mindless self-congratulations about meaningless household stuff, although it might look like it. i live in a world where sometimes it’s really, really hard just to get up in the morning, so having the motivation to get up and get piles of things done — rather than just think of the piles of things i have to do — is pretty noteworthy, to me. so, still, despite not having a totally clean office anymore, or a totally clean kitchen, i’m feeling pretty good about it all. i even found time to make some tins of whipped body butter, get two rows of my afghan-in-progress crocheted, and send a fat check to Discover. and i’m going to do a couple more things before i call it a night, tonight.


on the advice of someone is really good at cutting through my bullshit (it’s greatly thanks to her, and my dad and stepmom, that i have a kitchen table) i went out and bought an elliptical trainer today. well, it wasn’t quite like she said, “what you need to do is go buy an elliptical trainer,” but she was like, “okay, if you hate the gym, then go ahead and avoid it and quit feeling bad about it, but just do something else.” and she helped me figure out how to manipulate the financial situation so i actually could feasibly do so. yay her!

i went home and popped online and started reading reviews. then i popped over to a little fitness equipment store in the neighborhood to check them out. because my new philosophy of life involves cutting off any avenues for anxiety that i possibly can (because otherwise i will spend all my time worrying about details and never actually get anything done), i found one i liked and just bought it on the spot without messing around. (hey, i did my homework beforehand. i have Consumer Reports!) i wound up going with a Spirit XE 125, which is an entry-levelish model — no fancy tilting or padded pedals, no heartrate-adjusted programs, etc., but it does have this rather nice little fan in the control panel that you can aim at your face, which frankly i think i’ll get more use out of, and my shoes already have poufy little gel thingies so what need have i of fancy-pants padded pedals? and as a special favor to my downstairs neighbor (whom i kept in mind the whole time — noise/vibration of her ceiling is the reason a treadmill was out of the question), it’s a super-quiet model — less noise than the professional models i’ve used before, actually, so i was quite pleased with that. plus it was 20% off (mother’s day sale! thanks mom!) and so even with sales tax (9%! thanks, mayor daley!) and delivery it came out to exactly $1.14 over its original sticker price.

so, i’m pretty excited. i love using elliptical trainers. i like treadmills too, but ellipticals are just sort of fun — especially when you go backwards. and i really do hate going to gyms — i hate being around other people while gross and sweaty — so this will be so much more pleasant. i can just hang out and enjoy using the machine without all the hassles and irritation and the damned televisions always tuned to something insipid and the horrible music and so forth and so on. i’m super excited. i can’t wait for them to call me on monday to arrange for delivery. i want my new toy now!

…of course, that does actually give me a chance to figure out where the heck in my living room i can put it. i guess i know what i’m doing this weekend!

Reasons I’m glad that I finally listened to what everyone was telling me, and switched to zsh:

  • * glob includes dotfiles too.
  • vi command-line editing in zsh is more kshlike than bashlike (and i hated bash’s behavior)
  • multi-line command-line editing is WAY better (ability to navigate all the independent lines of a multi-linefeed commandline without dealing with a thousand semicolons or forking a vi)
  • inline expansion is way better

Reasons I miss ksh:

  • I don’t care for the caret-is-a-synonym-for-pipe behavior which zsh has helpfully reimplemented. Seriously, y’all. There is no need to backport original bourne shell features (that hardly anyone even knows about, much less uses) from 1968 anymore.

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Originally uploaded by sldownard.

One of our pigeons laid an egg on the windowsill outside our office. I wish it wasn’t quite so close to the edge…

you know…

Comments off

Dear Idiots Who Came Up With This Idiotic DVD Region Code Idiocy:

you know what, i actually bought these DVDs.

i would really appreciate it if you would quit making me have to jump through pointless hoops to work around region codes, which are totally ineffectual anyways in addition to granting absolutely no benefit to the consumer (especially not in the form of reduced costs to buy things due to reduced piracy since we weren’t exactly all flooding china’s shores to buy bad copies of Spider-Man and you are clearly just seizing on any excuse to continue to charge us stupid amounts of money that we, sheeple, happily pay).

