the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too
my friend Sean had (what i think is) a brilliant idea—to walk the entire length of Clark Street, this upcoming Saturday. (it’s Clark Street that makes it brilliant, not the Saturday.) we’ll start out at Howard Street, the northern terminal of the CTA Red Line, 7600 North/1700 West, at 8:00 AM.

from that point, we have twelve hours to traverse the approximately twelve miles south on Clark Street to its end at Cermak Road, near the Cermak-Chinatown Red Line stop at 2200 South/140 West, by 8:00 PM.

May 21, 2007

Sabrina L Downard
Chicago, IL

Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857

To Whom It May Concern:

I am a regular reader of the Consumerist blog (, a web log dedicated to customer service issues. It was there, in a post entitled “Chinese Poison Train Declared Unstoppable,” that I learned about your OASIS site, and specifically, a listing of products refused entry into the United States from China in April, 2007 because they did not meet FDA standards.

You know, I had never, ever considered that someone out there had the job of going through questionable food products and labeling them “Filthy.” I just take it for granted that my food isn’t gross. The next time someone lectures me about a “nanny state,” I think I’ll give them your OASIS web site URL.

Especially in light of Chinese manufacturers’ recent exportation of, e.g., diethylene glycol labeled as glycerine where it eventually poisoned cough syrup (something I found particularly horrifying), I just wanted to take a minute and write a thank you letter for everyone who is out there silently keeping we regular Joes safe by preventing unsafe imports.

Thank you.
Sabrina L Downard

Cc: Sen. Richard Durbin; Sen. Barack Obama.

oh, what the hell. it had been forever since i’d sent anyone a love letter. besides, seriously — y’all should read that page. someone is out there going through food imports that they eventually apply a legal description of “putrid or decomposed” to and kicking it right the hell back out of the country. WHOEVER YOU ARE, MYSTERY FDA PERSON, YOU ARE AWESOME.

i really liked bill richardson’s campaign Job Interview ads. i thought they were cute and informative, they kept my attention, and they were totally positive. they actually made me smile. seriously, how often do you see campaign ads that make you smile? just for that, he gets a nickel out of niqui’s campaign contribution jar.

this makes me want to write a fan letter to the Food and Drug Administration. hooray for the federal government! they got my back!

consider: there is a whole category called “FILTHY.”


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well, as it turns out, the arcade fire show friday rocked so much i had to go back for seconds tonight.

it was also pretty awesome tonight. slightly less instrument-destructiony, but more instrument-throwing-into-the-airy.

hooray for craigslist!