the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

confession time

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i am reminded of one of the early indications i might have been not completely absolutely 100% straight:

my cousin once got me to stay up late by telling me elvira was on late… and she took her shirt off right there on tv (it was okay, because it was on really late!)…and she had bazooms! (elvira, that is; not my cousin. that would be weird… although, this was rural arkansas, so maybe the rules flex a little.) we stayed up late in eager anticipation, but we never did see elvira, i dunno if we got the day wrong or the channel, or what. (we were like 8! there was no tv guide! shut up.) i remain disappointed to this day. maybe someday, O Mistress of the Dark; maybe someday.

so i was thinking about maybe trying to come up with some sort of point to keeping this blog. i mean, not that all of you out there reading this are not lovely people with excellent taste in blogstalking victims; i salute you for sticking with me through all my vague complaints of white sox incompetence, observations of how the world around me is clearly insane and also wrong, and the lists i like to make and letters i like to write, regardless of how they may or may not actually be relevant to anyone else in the whole entire world. i would buy you a beer if you were here.

anyways, yes, trying to think of a theme (to weave throughout said observations, vague complaints, lists, and letters, naturally). would anyone be interested if i were to try and make some sort of concerted effort to write up topics of interest to a sysadminly audience?

p.s. silence indicates assent!

so i bought a new management book — Becoming a Successful Manager: How to Make a Smooth Transition from Managing Yourself to Managing Others — off amazon today, and after checking out, they offered me the chance to Upgrade! and read the electronic version of it now! for only $1.59! and i am a sheep and am also in the market for speedy advice, so i did. boy, is the interface bad. but what’s really bad is some of the advice in the book:

Criticisms are gifts that I don’t want to withhold from people about whom I genuinely care. It’s my responsibility as a manager to provide them with gifts of criticism.

what the hell kind of a gift is criticism? jeez, put down the incense burner and find a better analogy, Hippy McPatchouli-Pants.

also, now i have this mental image of someone holding out a bright red box wrapped in ribbons with a big bow on top, beaming the smile that just says “i come bearing the gift of criticism to show you that i care! and also that i am very, very stoned!”


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every time i read something about joe crede’s back surgery, it squicks me out just a little more. first they were all, oh, pinched nerve. then they were like, liquid pressing on nerve, suck it out with a syringe. this last thing i read was about something called a microdiscectomy, wherein they remove part of a herniated disc through a very small incision. so now if i’m feeling kinda squicked about it all, i wonder what he makes of it! i hope it does work, he obviously was in pain and that must have sucked a very great deal for him. he’s one of my favorite players and so i’d like him to be not so much hurting constantly. so, i hope this works and he feels better soon. he can come back next year and rock third base and we’ll be glad to have him (no matter what implications this or anything else has for his future with the Sox beyond then).

feel better, joe!

i wonder how pablo ozuna is doing. i was sorry to see him go down; it looked terribly painful. and i’m also kind of sad about jerry owens getting hurt the other day, too; i hope he’s feeling less hamstring-destructiony now. i kinda like him. this year must be a good year to be a sox trainer; they must have been so bored with nobody injured last year, but now they have all kinds of guys to work with!

oh, and john and i nicknamed Bukvich “BK” or “Burger King” (or occasionally “Whopper Jr.”) because we could never remember his full name, all we could remember was that it started with a B and had a K in it. so, do with that knowledge what thou shalt.

in other news, i’m feeling a little better now that i’ve given up hope on the sox winning anything approaching 90 games. i would like them to win at least one home game i get to go see; my record so far is 0-4, which sucks. coming up later this month i have tickets to see them play the marlins and the cubs. i am prepared to convert to any religion which offers me a guarantee that we will beat the cubs that day. i just really don’t want to put up with half a stadium full of squealing, drunk cubs fans chortling about how badly the sox are doing this season. at least when we mock them, it’s because the cubs are always bad…

so i have begun making the switch to compact fluorescent lightbulbs instead of standard incandescents.

what actually got me started thinking about it was, last time i was in p-town visiting the folks, my grandmother was talking about a proposed city ordinance which would outlaw incandescents on the basis of their inefficiency, and require compact fluorescents. she was emphatically not in favor of this ordinance because she doesn’t like the quality of fluorescent light (and to give her her street cred, the woman actually works in a home lighting store, so she knows whereof she speaks). i was skeptical myself, because — well, fluorescents! flickery! white! bland! blah! ugly skanky light!

but then a bulb burnt out in my bedroom overhead fixture and i was out of 60-watt incandescents, and so it came about that i bought a 4 pack at target — on sale! only $12! (vs. like $3 for the incandescents.) i put two of them in the bedroom fixture, and two in my bathroom fixture (where a bulb there had also burnt out — the compact fluorescents made the fixture exceedingly ugly, as it’s the sort of bathroom fixture that has no shades but relies on you to use the round globe bulbs, but what the hell, it’s only a bathroom). and actually, they kind of won me over. the only noticeable difference really is a slight delay between hitting the switch until they flood the room with light (really, it’s less than a second, but it is very noticeable when you’ve always lived with the instant-on of incandescents). the quality of the light is not really changed at all.

so today, when i was at the homely despot, and i noticed they had a sale on compact fluorescents — these were $7 a 4-pack, for the faux-40 watts (9 watts), and $8 for the faux-60 watts (12 watts), which is a rather steep discount indeed — so i bought a 4-pack of 9-watt bulbs to replace the four bulbs in my kitchen ceiling fan (where i currently had 60s, but found them too bright), and two 2-packs of 9-watt round globe bulbs (which i hadn’t seen before, so i was very pleased i could de-uglify my bathroom fixture — it may be only a bathroom, but damn those bulbs are ugly). so i’ve just replaced the 4 bulbs in the ceiling fan, the three bulbs in the bathroom, and am off to put two bulbs in my office overhead fixture shortly.

i’m not exactly sure how much electricity i use, and i’m definitely not sure what proportion of it is used by the fridge or the television versus the lights, but i’m going to guess that about 100KWh go to lights. with the incandescents, i had a total of 930 watts installed. with all of the compact fluorescents — minus one 3-way bulb that’s in a lamp in my kitchen (which i count at its full wattage of 150 although i hardly ever use that setting); i don’t know if they make three-way compact fluorescents but i didn’t see any at the despot — i’ve reduced that total capacity to 286 watts. assuming that means that i go from using 100KWh/930W to 286W, at 0.1075KWh/W that means my usage will drop to about 30KWh, which corresponds roughly to about a $7 decrease in my electric bill per month. since i paid a total of $35 for these light bulbs, i’ll have made back my investment before the end of the year — after that, it’s just free money! hey, even if it is only $7 i’ll still take that over $0 any day.

and of course, i also have the satisfaction of knowing that Al Gore is very proud of me as well.