the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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i have finished uploading my projects and my stash — with photos of ALL THE YARN IN MY POSSESSION, y’all — to ravelry.

i have done my duty to god and web-2.0-kind for the day. i am going to fall over now.

Lest you think that all has been quiet on the Niqui front lately:

  • Got my Ravelry invite, so I set up my profile.
    • Have entered my needle/hook collection, minus the ones that aren’t listed (hey, the site’s a WIP!)
    • Have started on the stash (minus photos). May or may not take photos for the stash. Have not decided.
    • Only added one project, my ripple afghan, and its corresponding -along, and a few transit socks so far. I should really get better at posting pictures of my WIPs and FOs…
  • Continued work on developing the new sysadmin blog. I’m currently writing up a 4-part series on m4, which will be familiar to at least a couple of you who’ve listened to me blather on about it. Next, I have to review a book — I decided that it could be a sysadmin blog for sysadmins like me, which is to say that management is on topic — called The First-time Manager, and finish a short series on bcfg2. I think at that point I’ll probably make it public, once there’s actually something to read up there.
  • Struggled through learning to do performance appraisals/annual reviews for my minions. (Sorry, if you guys are reading this. “Employees” sounds stupid, and “staff” sounds like there’s 50 of us. Therefore, you are minions.) Successfully completed two of the three — typed up real nice, an’ everything. I think our HR person was kinda surprised she got them a week and a half before they were due. Thursday, I shall do the last remaining one, and perhaps she will then be so surprised her hair turns pink. That would be pretty entertaining.
  • Speaking of which, I hacked my hair off really short and dyed it a bright purply red. It’s good to be easily amused.
  • Am halfway through re-reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix — my current transit sock has gone nowhere (hah) for the past two weeks as I put it on hold to read books on management on my commute, but then a few days ago I kinda got sick of that and decided I needed something less boring serious, so I (stupidly) decided to re-read OotP before the film comes out, so I will be adequately prepared to whine about what they screwed up. Actually, if they screw it up such that HARRY ISN’T YELLING IN ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME, I will be okay with that. I’m just sayin’.
  • Rebuilt some shelves in my kitchen. I have power tools, and I am not afraid to use them. Go me!
  • I redid the sidebar to this blog a little bit. You seriously have no idea how freaking tedious it is to download all those images from Amazon, resize them, optimize them, save them, and upload them. Hours, I tell you. Hours. Bah.
  • I’ve been doing Crafty Daisies’ Learn to Crochet crochet-along. I feel pretty badass now that I’ve mastered the half-double crochet, I tell you what.
  • And I put in several hours on my afghan. I’m up to about 25 stripes now (1″ of length, 90 minutes of time per stripe). At this rate I may be finished by, oh, January.
  • I’ve been obsessively poring over my budget and finances for a week and a half, as mentioned previously, in pursuit of paid-off credit-card debt. I have a Plan ™. I am rocking and rolling. I am … tired of that shit, honestly. I want to turn 30 and put this mess behind me. FFS.
  • Anyone know when SP11 will start? I’m dying to sign up. It was undoubtedly the right thing to do, to sit out SP10 due to time commitments, but that doesn’t mean I’m not jonesing for a fix now.
  • Oh, and I went to go see a couple of baseball games that the White Sox flubbed horribly. Cheers, guys. At least the Beers of the World stand has Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat, which is not half bad, I have to say.

And finally: to everyone to whose email I have been completely slow in responding to: It’s not you, it’s me! It happens to everybody, baby! Just give me a couple minutes here…

so i have recently decided to pursue a really, really, really, really, really difficult goal: to pay off my credit card debt by the end of this calendar year.

in aid of this, i have been going down my expenses the past four days, and, like Ebenezer Scrooge, slashing through any expense that isn’t strictly non-negotiable. like, food. i retain my grocery budget for the month, and, like, rent and electricity. but, once i ferret out another couple of recurring charges, i think i will have cut out about $200 in actual monthly bills, and slashed about another $100 in “potential” bills: things that i plan to spend money on but that aren’t actually hard costs (like yarn, or soapmaking supplies). i’ll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say that with rather a lot of effort, and with help from my mom paying her mortgage (for real this time), i will nearly double the amount that i’ll be sending to the credit card debt. and if i can keep that up for the next six months, without fail, i will wipe out the debt by the end of the year.

i may not make the goal, actually. i have a couple of big expenses coming up later this year that i can’t really avoid — eye exam and new contact lenses; home and auto insurance premiums, etc., that sort of thing — but, at least, by the end of the year, if i can stick to my completely bare-bones entertainment budget of $5/mo, and eliminate eating out and unnecessary shopping and, you know, fun, i should have it down to within about a grand of being paid off. and i can’t even begin to tell you how great that will be.

that said: expect lots of whiny blog posts that will have “I’m bored!” at their root, between now and then…

Dear White Sox:


no love,

Dear Cleveland Indians:

I still don’t like Grady Sizemore. But I might watch a couple of your games so I can live vicariously and remember what it’s like to see a baseball game that doesn’t make me want to shut the television off by the sixth inning because, well, I can see what’s gonna happen here…

I may still root for Grady to spontaneously burst into flames, though. I can’t change who I am.

I’m just sayin’,


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eeeeeeee, doctor who, eeeeee, john simm, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

*bounces off walls*