the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

SGA, Artfully Posed

okay, take this — the cover art for the dvd boxed set of the third season of Stargate Atlantis.

First of all, Sheppard looks like a girl. Granted, a butch girl with a Sigourney Weaver complex, but… a girl. With a gun (that kind of looks like a crutch, because nothing says “sci-fi” like crutches). And why does Ronon look like he’s about to eat Weir’s head (which, in a startlingly efficient way to resolve the civilian vs. military leadership of the expedition issue, has been transplanted onto Sheppard’s back, turning them into some sort of freakish half-man, half-spineless wimp creature)? And then there’s Teyla, tacked on in the background, serving no apparent purpose but to puff out her chest (since Sheppard’s A-cup isn’t enough, I guess). Meanwhile, McKay is the most normal-looking one of the bunch except for the enormous ball of light sitting on his shoulder like a pet parrot.

What the hell, man? That’s just a weird picture. They seriously couldn’t find anything better to put on the cover than Ronon eating Weir’s head??

(yes, i am just bitching to bitch. still, the first thing i thought when i saw this really was that sheppard looks like a girl. sorry, Joe Flanagan.)

an odd happening

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i’ve been so completely bored of food lately. it’s weird. i like food, i like eating… i love delicious, well-prepared sushi; i adore macaroni and cheese from the baked bubbling goodness in a casserole dish lightly browned on top to Kraft Dinner; say nothing and just hand over the falafel, and no one has to get hurt. an english muffin with a little butter on top is a delicious start to the morning. but lately, it’s just all sort of …meh. i don’t want to bother with cooking, and lunch is just the most tremendously uninteresting thing i usually don’t remember to eat until it’s 1:30 or 2PM when i realize i’m about to fall over from hunger.

i’m not really sure what happened here, but i am going to blame eating at work. i used to be very, very boring, and i’d just eat whatever looked good on campus — typically either (a) chicken salad on a croissant with potato salad from the 1155 cafeteria, or (b) a samosa and a thai noodle dish from the Div School, either optionally with a bottle of La Croix (cherry is my favorite, though lime is also acceptable). it was very repetitive but, you know, all mockery of the Trough aside, i really liked their chicken salad…

but then i changed jobs and although in all respects i love this job much more, the lunch thing is sort of a plague. we have a great number of restaurants around the Board of Trade. i can have just about any sort of food i want (except indian or pakistani, which kind of annoys me — i can get a curry and samosas from Burrito Buggy (!), of all places, but it’s … curry from Burrito Buggy, you know what i’m saying? it’s not exactly the house specialty. some days i would trade my left arm for some butter chicken from Rajun Cajun.). there are two sushi places within walking distance (one average but close, one actually pretty good but farther away), several middle eastern places, a really fucking good barbecue place, several delis, a place that does excellent panini, a Corner Bakery, a couple of mall-food-court-quality chinese places, a korean place, several grills, a handful of hotdog joints, a really good roasted chicken place and a really awful for you but oh so tempting chicken fingers joint, a baked potato place, the CBOT cafeteria in the basement, and there is even a McDonald’s for those desperate for homogeneity. i can hoof it to my favorite takeaway sandwich shop in printer’s row, SRO, for one of their outstanding bbq chicken sandwiches, or i could even hit up Harold’s if i feel like going for a walk (and suffering the consequences of Harold’s).

but i’m so booooooooooooooooored of all of them!

i decided some time ago that since i was so bored of all of the lunch choices i was having serious trouble deciding where to get lunch daily (which i was), i would just bring lunch — if i was going to eat boring, i might as well pay $5 less a day. so that’s worked out okay. most of the time i remember to get my lunch out of the freezer and bring it, and it’s alright. it’s not interesting, but i wasn’t really shooting for interesting… i was shooting for a less-expensive status quo (and i got it).

i think i have, however, just hit rock bottom on the bored of food scale. i just officially gave up: for the third time in my life, i am going to go do Nutrisystem. the first time was in 2000; i lost 35 pounds before i got bored and went off the plan. the second time was in 2004; i lost 20 pounds but was too broke to continue with the program (it’s not inexpensive, though it’s probably middle-range for most weight loss programs.). i managed to keep most of it off both times, except after i changed jobs and went from eating chicken salad for lunch to eating Mickey’s chicken fingers for lunch, which meant that this past year i have gone up a jeans size or two and am really sort of cranky about it although admittedly there is no one but me to blame. however, my main goal here is not necessarily weight loss. i haven’t decided yet whether or not i am going to even bother with regular weigh-ins. honestly, they sort of piss me off. all that relentless harping on some bullshit number, you can’t get away from it. people on weight-loss boards are always posting things like — a typical signature on a web bulletin board includes something like this:


which corresponds to “starting weight / current weight / goal weight.” and let’s not even start with the pithy supportive aphorisms. “people always compliment me on my WILLpower, but i want to focus on my WANTpower – i want to be thin!” screw that. and jesus may love me at whatever size i am, but i think lane bryant loves me more because they make lots of money selling me jeans over and over again every time i gain or lose ten pounds. (i could go on about how the weight-loss community traditions bug the hell out of me, but it’d be terribly boring and not a small amount bitter, so i won’t. anyways.)

but i was thinking for the past few weeks about whether or not i should try nutrisystem again. i do believe that it’s a good plan for weight loss; it has worked for me in the past. and i have my happy elliptical machine at home now and quite like it, so exercise isn’t a problem. and hey! i’m already completely bored of all things gustatory, so it wouldn’t even matter if i found ns foods boring, because i already find most foods boring. (given: i am still a sucker for a dragon roll. and i wouldn’t turn down a well-prepared chunk of Kobe beef.) it does mean changing my budget some, because it’s $300/mo (which was my whole food budget) just for the ns food, to which i have to add fresh produce and dairy, but my budget is already kind of screwed up because of tiger getting sick (my previous pet care budget was $75/mo, but now it’s more like $250-300/mo — insulin and blood sugar testing are expensive, and there’s no kitty Medicare). and honestly, i would really just like much less stressing out about getting home and being too bored (or tired, during the school year) to cook anything and then being frustrated because there’s no food. it’s sort of the full-blown corollary to the lunch-boredom solution: if the solution to lunch boredom is to give up and just buy frozen entrees, the solution to total meal boredom is to give up and buy a pre-planned food program. honestly, if i lose weight, that’s sort of a bonus. who knows. maybe if i do ns for several months i’ll lose a couple sizes and remember how to enjoy food again.

i placed my ns order today, so i expect to get it maybe friday or the following tuesday (labor day! huzzah!). so, i guess we’ll see how this little experiment works out for me.

another day, another semi-panicked late night trip to the emergency vet.

thankfully: false alarm. i had thought that tiger was acting lethargic and less-than-ideally responsive (i.e., not looking up when i whistled or called his name), and i couldn’t get him to eat at all for 4 hours after he got his insulin (next time: FOOD FIRST, i don’t care if it is slow acting insulin), and i couldn’t draw enough blood to test his blood sugar (even after trying repeatedly, and wasting several test strips on insufficient amounts of blood), so i dropper-fed him some karo syrup (kitty delicacy, don’t you know) and then when that didn’t change his behavior any i kind of freaked out and called the emergency vet, who disbelievingly repeated back to me that i gave him insulin before food (it’s been two days that i’ve been doing this! cut me some slack, i don’t know the ropes yet!), then they said i had better rush him straight in in case he was in a diabetic crisis, so into the carrier he went and off we drove.

one thing about kitty diabetes: you get to the emergency vet’s office and say “hi, i called, i have a diabetic kitty?” and they don’t screw around; into an exam room you are swept, and into the exam room zooms the vet tech. whereupon your cat drools on the tech in a vaguely discontented “i hate the kitty carrier” way, but otherwise acts pretty normal (while you quietly freak out in the corner because omg they said “diabetic crisis” and i’m a bad kitty mommy!).

but the little rugrat was just faking me out; his blood sugar was 365 mg/dL. which, don’t get me wrong, that’s not really good — but it’s actually much improved from where he was when he was taking the glipizide (high 400s, at /best/.). and it’s nowhere near hypoglycemic. so, all things considered, he’s doing all right. he even passed the ketones test that we did on him, so all is well there as well.

but man, i could do with a week or so of no kitty drama. this constant fear for my cat’s health is getting a little exhausting.

with all the problems that using the CTA entails (trains that never come, never-ending slow zones, endless waiting making me late for work, trains on fire, and i’m not even going to start with the busses), this is a brief summation of why i don’t habitually drive to work:

0825: Ready to leave. Schedule after work involves coming straight home, babysitting cat while feeding him and then injecting him with insulin, then carrying spinning wheel and accessories to car to go to Loopy for Spinning Class, Mark II, to be there by 1830. Decision:

  1. Blue Line: Walk to subway (10 minutes). Wait for train (5-15 minutes, if very lucky). Ride train (20-25 minutes). Walk to work (10 minutes). Best case: 45 minutes; worst case: 60+ minutes. Also, no knitting as the train will be packed.
  2. Pink Line: Walk to North/Ashland (10 minutes). Wait for #9 or X9 (5-10 minutes). Ride bus (X9 – 8 minutes; 9 – 12 minutes). Wait for train (2-10 minutes). Ride train (10 minutes). Walk to work (2 minutes). Best case: 37 minutes; worst case: 55 minutes; typical: 45 minutes. Can knit the whole time.
  3. Red Line: Walk to North/Ashland (10 minutes). Wait for #72 (5-10 minutes). Ride bus (10-12 minutes). Wait for train (2-7 minutes). Walk to work (15 minutes). Best case: 40 minutes; worst case: 53 minutes. Can knit on Red Line and while waiting, probably not on #72.
  4. Drive: 10 minutes to get downtown; ??? to get across downtown to Clark/Van Buren. Probably make it in less than 30 minutes, though. Have to pay $20 to park, plus no knitting, but driving would make it easier to come home fast, to feed/medicate cat, then go to Loopy, without having a mad transit dash home.

Winner: after-work convenience wins out; driving it is. Okay.

0832: Put car in gear. Drive to end of block, turn south on Ashland.
0835: Turn southeast on Milwaukee. Bicyclists are everywhere; drive with caution. Don’t make it out of second gear until Augusta, at 0840.
0843: Decision: go south on Des Plaines, or continue east on Milwaukee and try to sneak in the back way? Des Plaines sucks, the lights are all timed so you hit every light when it’s just turned red; let’s try the new way.
0845: Oh goodie, the new way crosses Metra tracks. Here’s an inbound train … now an outbound train … there’s another inbound train a little ways off but they lift the gates anyways: punch it!
0848: Head east on Washington. Realize that there’s no way I’m going to make it to the parking deck before 9 (when the parking rates go up from $14 to $20). Sulk. Get cut off by dickhead cab while trying to leave space to let in a Jeep who didn’t realize his lane was ending. Morons in charge of motor vehicles are simply everywhere.
0852: Turn south on Clark. There’s a brief, tiny, oh so slim possibility that I might make it to the parking deck five blocks south by 9, if the lights favor me. Engage in more aggressive driving than usual, with lane changes to take advantage of gaps. At one point, downshift from third into second to punch it in order to make a light. And yet, I always stop before the crosswalk, because I’m awesome like that.
0857: Stopped at the light at Van Buren, with half a block to go until my parking deck. Come on, come on!
0859: Pull in to parking deck. Hope their clock is not ahead of mine…

so, you remember a while ago i wrote:

• i probably have a complaint on my credit rating now (oh goodie!) for the account they sent to collections after they failed to realize that i had cancelled it;


i was totally right!

i had my bank (love $newbank; love love) run my credit report, to get the “real” credit report and scores, as opposed to the shitty, useless free annual reports you get from (which i fetched and reviewed in june of this year, and didn’t find anything interesting on). and guess what i found!

so, this is great:
in july of 2005, i attempted to upgrade my phone. for about ten minutes, until i discovered that the person in the store had lied to me and the phone did not, in fact, have bluetooth, so i returned to the store, returned the phone, cancelled that contract, and then reverted to my old phone.

in june of 2006, “Cingular is now the new AT&T!” summarily cut off my mobile service after “discovering” the delinquent account-that-never-was, resulting in weeks of drama trying to get this straightened out.

in august of 2007, i discovered that the delinquent account-that-never-was is all up in my credit report, dropping my score, such that should i want to refinance my mortgage, they give me only shitty increased interest rates.

i wonder if, by september of 2008, this nightmare will be over?