another day, another semi-panicked late night trip to the emergency vet.

thankfully: false alarm. i had thought that tiger was acting lethargic and less-than-ideally responsive (i.e., not looking up when i whistled or called his name), and i couldn’t get him to eat at all for 4 hours after he got his insulin (next time: FOOD FIRST, i don’t care if it is slow acting insulin), and i couldn’t draw enough blood to test his blood sugar (even after trying repeatedly, and wasting several test strips on insufficient amounts of blood), so i dropper-fed him some karo syrup (kitty delicacy, don’t you know) and then when that didn’t change his behavior any i kind of freaked out and called the emergency vet, who disbelievingly repeated back to me that i gave him insulin before food (it’s been two days that i’ve been doing this! cut me some slack, i don’t know the ropes yet!), then they said i had better rush him straight in in case he was in a diabetic crisis, so into the carrier he went and off we drove.

one thing about kitty diabetes: you get to the emergency vet’s office and say “hi, i called, i have a diabetic kitty?” and they don’t screw around; into an exam room you are swept, and into the exam room zooms the vet tech. whereupon your cat drools on the tech in a vaguely discontented “i hate the kitty carrier” way, but otherwise acts pretty normal (while you quietly freak out in the corner because omg they said “diabetic crisis” and i’m a bad kitty mommy!).

but the little rugrat was just faking me out; his blood sugar was 365 mg/dL. which, don’t get me wrong, that’s not really good — but it’s actually much improved from where he was when he was taking the glipizide (high 400s, at /best/.). and it’s nowhere near hypoglycemic. so, all things considered, he’s doing all right. he even passed the ketones test that we did on him, so all is well there as well.

but man, i could do with a week or so of no kitty drama. this constant fear for my cat’s health is getting a little exhausting.