the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in postcards from insanityville


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well, as it turns out, the arcade fire show friday rocked so much i had to go back for seconds tonight. it was also pretty awesome tonight. slightly less instrument-destructiony, but more instrument-throwing-into-the-airy. hooray for craigslist!

of my goals for this weekend, this is what i accomplished: clean living room; box of to-donate books (and then some); clean/reorganize office closet; get new elliptical trainer delivered, assembled, put in correct place, and used; take out trash; replace failed auto kitty box with shiny new auto kitty box; hit target for new shower […]


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much email to read! so much mail, not even gonna try until like tomorrow. return trip: 4 h 50 m from brunswick, ohio, to the stony island exit ramp off of the skyway. oh yeah. only 680 miles in toto; avg speed 67 mph; car got poor mileage both ways. :( 29 mpg there, 27 […]

lately i have not had such a great time of it, what with the $1200 in car repairs, the dream car that burned to the ground, being completely out of free time due to spending weekends working, the concert tickets that never arrived, the post office continuing to lose my parcels (and amazon continuing to […]

the week in review

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i declare the week over. today is a new week, because i used the old week up (and now i’m going to throw it away). let’s just recap everything that has happened since sunday: 1. $(very close friend) announced that she is moving to the west coast. in like two weeks. i don’t even know […]