the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

i cannot help but think that a large number of people who stumble upon from search engine referrals must be, ultimately, disappointed in what they find.

excerpted from my webalizer stats for the past few days, since i remembered to fix my access logs the other day to actually report on referrers:

Top 20 of 74 Total Search Strings

  1. (56 hits, 20.66%) sex
  2. (50 hits, 18.45%) doll
  3. (19 hits, 7.01%) ziggurat
  4. (16 hits, 5.90%) ex girlfriend
  5. (15 hits, 5.54%) scared
  6. (7 hits, 2.58%) girlfriend
  7. (6 hits, 2.21%) psycho
  8. (6 hits, 2.21%) sex doll
  9. (4 hits, 1.48%) 1973 mach 1 mustang
  10. (3 hits, 1.11%) Ziggurat
  11. (2 hits, 0.74%) 1973 mach 1
  12. (2 hits, 0.74%) EX%20SEX%20SEX%20SEX
  13. (2 hits, 0.74%) EX-GIRLFRIEND
  14. (2 hits, 0.74%) Matthew%2BShepard
  15. (2 hits, 0.74%) SEX
  16. (2 hits, 0.74%) car emblem
  17. (2 hits, 0.74%) crock pot soap
  18. (2 hits, 0.74%) doll pictures
  19. (2 hits, 0.74%) doll sex
  20. (2 hits, 0.74%) free ex girlfriend pics

all of this really makes me want to ask: is there seriously that much of an audience for free ex girlfriend pics? i mean. it isn’t very descriptive, is it? it seems to me that more specificity is recommended in googling for free porn. at least, if more specific terms were being provided, they wouldn’t end up at what is clearly the most popular thing i have ever posted.

or, hey, maybe they would’ve. this is a universe of infinite possibilities, after all.

the third rail sparks

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i’ve always loved watching the sparks off the third rail, especially when they light up the sides of buildings alongside the tracks.

apparently i’m not the only one.

i know that i am, like, the exact opposite of ideal demographic for television marketers: i have a relatively high income, am single, and in the desirable age range, but (a) i don’t have cable so they don’t get any money from me that way, and (b) i use tivo, so the advertisers aren’t going to get my eyes anyway…

…except for the times when i see something go by, stop, rewind, and watch multiple times, like i did for this mesmerizing, super-creepy PS3 ad:

i don’t honestly know which part i find creepier: the demonic speaking-in-tongues laughter, or the disjointed “ma-ma” at the end. it’s all a little bit like some sort of messed-up the shining vs. 2001 bootleg.


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and this just illustrates more of why i so adore the scissor sisters:

Out: The Orange County crowd is obviously a different kind of crowd than the hipper-than-thou crowd.

[Jake] Shears: We don’t like playing for hipper-than-thou. It’s not enjoyable. It’s not a great audience to play for. Who wants to play for a bunch of hipsters? Gross! If I walk out onstage and I see more than 15 bad haircuts, I know it’s going to be a crap show.

[Ana] Matronic: Not bad haircuts–ironic, asymmetrical, retard mullets.

Shears: Our shows are very participatory, so we don’t play well for people that have come to scope us out. Arms folded is bad.

seriously, if there is anything i hate more than going to see a dancetastic band with a bunch of fucking hipsters who sit there and just tap their toes and nod, … i just want to throw them out of the club! i hate it when people suck the soul out of shows with that shit. why do you even go? stay home and leave more room to dance for the people who aren’t afraid to admit they enjoy something.

calling it a day

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with the insertion of many redirects, puttering around with stupid twiddly details, and the successful appearance of only one 404 in my error log over the past half hour — which was caused by me trying to retrieve a document at to test my errordocument redirect — i hereby declare the blog officially moved to WordPress. alas, poor blosxom; i loved it well (but, in the end, i wanted multiple categories more than i wanted the ability to vi my entries).

hooray for done!

(and just in time, too, since now i’ve gotta go get dressed for the office holiday party. you know, it’s a sad statement on your social life when you sit down at a computer and think to yourself, “don’t get too involved in, like, reprogramming something that was perfectly fine to begin with that you forget you have to go drink for free at 6PM.” or maybe that’s just a sad statement on my social life… ummm…. HEY LOOK OVER THERE, IT’S A PIE!