the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

random wednesday

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apparently there’s some sort of random wednesday thing going around. so here is a photo i took at random a few minutes ago while thinking “i really ought to clean this out at some point”:

my car's trunk is too full by default
my car’s trunk is entirely too full of shit. at a glance, this photo shows you:

  1. A dead APC 1600 VA UPS that I need to haul to the recycling place, if only I could remember where it was (somewhere on the north side!),
  2. My “shammy” (I cannot bear to spell it ‘chamois’ considering the pronounciation), which I last used when applying Rain-X to my windshield in the middle of a rainy roadtrip and which then dried into this wacky shape because I’d draped it over the UPS to dry,
  3. A Trader Joe’s shopping bag full of papers I need to destroy, and had in the trunk in anticipation of going to a bonfire at a friend’s house (which I didn’t make it out to because it was the day after the wisdom tooth extraction of doom),
  4. A bag full of clothes to donate to the Brown Elephant, containing the single ugliest authentic vintage dress anyone has ever seen in their life (which I bought for Halloween one year and could not, not, not bring myself to wear because it is so ugly — bright blue and silver argyle, if you can believe it),
  5. A copy of Microsoft Windows Server 2003, which I got for free when I took an Exchange class, and have had absolutely nothing to do with since then, so I was going to donate it to the Brown Elephant last time I went up there, but then I was unsure about the legality of them selling it and didn’t want them to get busted by the Microsoft police so I ended up not donating it, and so there it sits, in my trunk,
  6. A snow shovel,
  7. My emergency winter blanket, because with where I live and all it’s highly probable that I’ll be stranded in the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter,
  8. A bottle of windshield wiper fluid, because I am addicted to a squeaky-clean windshield and go through it like nobody’s business,
  9. My ice skates,
  10. And a yellow heavy-duty extension cord, because you never know when you’ll need one.

i should really clean that out at some point.


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Was not feeling entirely sanguine about the site of the recently deceased freaky mutant shark tooth, so went back in for a checkup. Arrived at 1340. Got called back at 1640. Pronounced healthy and on a #9 bus at 1652. So glad I had nothing to do at work today–I really think they should have at least given me a token dose of sugar pills as a reward for being willing to wait so long only to discover that the only thing wrong with me is hypochondria.

my deja vu deja vu

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my deja vu deja vu
Taking the green line, transfering to blue at clark/lake–it felt so odd; I realized I hadn’t taken that particular escalator route since, at least, it’s gotta be 1996, commuting to InterAccess via blue to green.. and it’s precisely the same, except for the ipod ads. odd. also odd that my own obligatory ipod chose that moment to crash and reset. hey, I was listening to that!

i keep thinking of things i should post to lotd, but i keep forgetting them before i get around to it.

fortunately, sometimes i get a reminder, like this one, to post Dear NSA:

From: sabrina downard
To: Dear NSA
Subject: Question! Dear NSA: I’m contemplating installing a small towel rack on my bathroom wall. However, I’m not sure if I should get wall anchors for plaster or drywall. Do you know which I should choose? thanks!

From: Dear NSA
To: sabrina downard
Subject: Re: Question!

Your neighbor George has humidity rot problems with wall anchors. We recommend a floor mounted device.

who says government can’t help the little people!?

i mean, it’s not that i didn’t already know that you were the evil empire and all, but seriously, it’s totally not cool of you to lie to my DSL provider and tell them you can provision me because i’m only 11,000 feet from the central office, and then after a month of dicking me around admit that i am, in fact, over 20,000 feet away and DSL is not an option.

PIGFUCKERS. of course at&t can provision DSL for me. they can, in fact, have a technician on site next monday. because if they’re provisioning my circuit, they can pick and choose which central office to provision me out of, and so they can use one that’s only 11000 feet away, as opposed to the one they force covad to use. i say again: PIGFUCKERS. i hate you.
i hate you so much.
no love,
–sabrina. (p.s. no, cable modems aren’t an option.)