the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in cars

Spot hogs Originally uploaded by sldownard.

this weekend’s going to be a blur. tomorrow, drive to columbus; saturday, con, then drive to brunswick; sunday, hang out with the craigs’ (and probably get in some good quality omgwhydidthisseasonstinksobad baseball kvetching, wherein i expect all concerned shall insult the twinkies mightily for lo, do they invite it), then drive home. then monday, 0600 […]

i bought my car on, IIRC, 27 may 2001. i am a good little practical midwesterner and i bought it new with the intention of driving it until it died (which i expected to take roughly 15 years. i will not be surprised if it lasts me 18, but i will be actively disappointed if […]

my car is paid off*. that is all. — (* except for the part where the automatically-debited payment was $313.03 less than my normal car payment, whereas i had thought that i had exactly one full payment left, but i am going to leave looking at the invoices for when i get home and continue […]

okay. sitch: a couple of weeks ago, i took my cat to the vet, and parked on state street, in a rush-hour no-parking tow zone. i always park there on the street when i take my cats to the vet, but i usually go after 9AM, and so i didn’t realize it was a rush […]