the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in postcards from insanityville

i’ve been thinking a lot about what to write in my obligatory year’s-end round-up post, folks, i really have. considering for weeks which topics i thought were noteworthy, pondering how to phrase things. i wrote a lengthy draft post that i was polishing up, and then it came to me, literally while fetching a glass […]

and in other news—

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i am grateful now that it is far enough past christmas that people will stop asking me if i had a good one, and what good presents i got (and talking about their own good presents). chiefly this is because i did not, particularly, have a good christmas, and i in fact got no presents […]

working lots lately, survived madness at marshall field’smacy’s tuesday, out with fellow university ex-pats last night, hawks vs. leafs tomorrow, dr. who marathon saturday, collapse into heap sunday, sleep late monday. sorry for my lameness in not writing anything interesting lately. here, watch some unicorns! (courtesy of Bingo Pajama.)

as i have previously had issues with denying myself things i wanted and then being immediately presented with something bad — am wondering if the fact that i decided against buying new speakers (which i really really want, and have wanted for months — have actually gone out shopping intending to buy, twice!, eventually talking […]

this weekend’s going to be a blur. tomorrow, drive to columbus; saturday, con, then drive to brunswick; sunday, hang out with the craigs’ (and probably get in some good quality omgwhydidthisseasonstinksobad baseball kvetching, wherein i expect all concerned shall insult the twinkies mightily for lo, do they invite it), then drive home. then monday, 0600 […]