the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in werk


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a poacher is niqui!


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damn, kids! you quit that running around screaming right now, you hear? do you need a time out?

Dear Candidate:

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You need a better recruiting firm. You see, I just got a cold call at work from a recruiter at that firm, asking if I or someone here might be interested in offering you employment. You are a system administrator who works with Windows, and does desktop support. You have ten years of industry experience. […]

so i was thinking about maybe trying to come up with some sort of point to keeping this blog. i mean, not that all of you out there reading this are not lovely people with excellent taste in blogstalking victims; i salute you for sticking with me through all my vague complaints of white sox […]

so i bought a new management book — Becoming a Successful Manager: How to Make a Smooth Transition from Managing Yourself to Managing Others — off amazon today, and after checking out, they offered me the chance to Upgrade! and read the electronic version of it now! for only $1.59! and i am a sheep […]