the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • breaking my right pinky fingernail off incredibly short, so now it hurts every time i hit the return key.
  • buying an album that i’d added to my iTunes shopping cart ages ago (i use my cart as a sort of wishlist/to-get list, so i have about 25-30 things in it at most times), and discovering that i really really enjoy it, and now i’m sad that i missed out on all the intervening time of enjoying it between “i should get this, i think i’ll like it” and “damn, i like this a lot.”
  • the fact that i do not own the absolutely fucking gorgeous ’70 Boss 429 that is march’s pinup mustang. i really like that body style. and also it’s a brilliant royal blue. seriously, you don’t understand: i need that car, if only so that i can take a new pinup photo of it and remember to turn out the parking lights before i hit the shutter button.
  • leaving your apartment and getting in the elevator to go to work, realizing two floors down that you forgot your cell phone and you really need it, stopping the elevator at the next floor, running up three flights while dressed in a winter coat, scarf, and hat (over a hoodie over a t-shirt) and carrying twenty or so pounds of laptop + organizer + work shit. niqui was not meant to run up stairs while dressed for winter weather and carrying accessories! niqui is pretty much only meant for running in proper shoes and lightweight shirts and accessorized only by an ipod!
  • i filed my taxes simply DAYS ago, and yet i still have not received a fat pile of refunded cash! c’mon, IRS! fat pile of cash for niqui!!!

oh, and—

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dear white sox:

my requests from last year still stand.

i’m just sayin’,

lately, my recent practice has been to spend my lunch hour quality time reading over on White Sox Interactive (“Totally Biased”) — today i stumbled across this thread about the unwritten rules of behavior at sox park. this comment nearly made me spit my coke out on my keyboard because of teh laughing.

Originally Posted by Jerko
That’s it. Whoever breaks any of these unwritten rules should be spanked with their cellphones by a person who is smoking and eating a hot dog with ketchup on it while doing the wave during play after throwing back a home run ball.

of course that would have been criminal because it would have gotten Diet Coke with Lime all over my loyal keyboard-bound companion:

Ozzie Guillen White Sox rookie card, tucked onto my keyboard

my personal least favorite sox park tradition is the ritual chanting of “cubs suck.” (that’s with four syllables: “CU-ubs SU-uck!”) i admit that i started out a long time ago as a cubs fan (until i actually went to a cubs game), but this dislike isn’t because i secretly still harbor cub fandom tendencies — it’s mostly just a “dude, who cares?” thing. seriously, unless it’s a crosstown game? i don’t care about the cubs. i don’t care about their players, i’m not watching their game, i don’t care about their standings, and i’m sure as hell not at at their damn ballpark. and frankly, i think it makes sox fans look bad. like we don’t care enough to support our actual team instead of tearing the northsiders down. also, it’s just kinda tacky. so i’d be perfectly happy if that tradition died an ignomious, unmourned death.

of course it won’t, because the same sort of guys who come to a sox game in order to chant “cubs suck” are the same sort of guys who are generic, all-purpose dickheads.

ST play starts tomorrow! woo! your pal niqui is v. excited. (also, trivia: turns out DH jim thome is from p-town. limestone HS alum. so: you better hit well, or i’ll kidnap you and drop your ass down at o’brien field!)

jacuzzi or tractor?

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* tang digs around on the intarweb
<tang> 250 tons — *empty*
<tang> here are the tires for the fucker, standing next to people:
<tang> I hope there’s 797B pr0n in my calendar some month
<tang> ooh, another one:
* niqui appreciates products that help lower her cost-per-ton!
<tang> I like the photo of 12 people standing in an aircraft hangar in front of the tire, which is twice at tall as any of them and wider than all of them
* niqui giggles.
<tang> It says “Bridgestone” in letters as tall as your head
* tang swoons
* twork wants a 797b
* twork also wants a year’s worth of fuel budget for 24×7 operation of a 797b
* tang would accept that in lieu of the 797B
<twork> if you got both, you could commute with the 797b and still have change left over for, say, a new house.
<twork> or a parking place for the 797b.
<tang> verily!

* twork dreams of SMASH!ing puny suv’s with twork’s battle-hardened 797b
* niqui moans. my kingdom for a jacuzzi. or possibly just some more advil.
* twork ‘s kingdom for a 797b. it’s a better deal. you could sell the 797b at a loss and still afford a mighty fine jacuzzi.
<twork> and buy back twork’s kingdom.
* niqui weeps for her lack of a jacuzzi.
* niqui is a one-track niqui today.
<twork> 797b what?
<niqui> jacuzzi!
<twork> bubbly.
<niqui> waaaaaarm.
<twork> not especially big-truck-like, though. you have to admit that.
<niqui> more fizzy, less diesely.
<tang> not as hot either
<twork> yes. and unless dropped from a great height, not all that SMASH!y.
<niqui> but much more comfy to kick back and watch a movie in, though.
<tang> unless it’s a drive-in
<twork> depends upon one’s aftermarket modifications!
<twork> there’s plenty of room in that truck bed for a very nice den.
<niqui> its top speed is like 45 mph in seventh gear. the jacuzzi totally has more fizz.
<tang> don’t let the CAT hear you say that
<niqui> you can invite more friends to hang out in your jacuzzi than in your 797b.
* tang steps away from niqui
<twork> better be one damn big jacuzzi.
<niqui> what? hot tubs! they’re for sitting around and gossipping in!
<twork> and dirnking. forget ye not the dirnking.
<niqui> also for watching movies and for making your back pain go away.
<niqui> yes! dirnking!
<tang> you can build a jacuzzi in the back of the 797B for yourself, your family, and every friend you’ve ever met
<niqui> but if i buy a jacuzzi i don’t have to build one, and the sooner i get to relax with fizzy bubbles.
<twork> and haul it around at 45mph SMASH!ing suv’s!
<niqui> okay, there’s something to be said for smashing suvs from your hot tub, you’ve got me there.
<tang> then mount a flat-panel display on the back of the cab, and watch movies in full scale with THX audio and cushy seats
<tang> plus: jacuzzi = cooling system for running the engine even faster
<niqui> okay, perhaps we can meet each other halfway and compromise on the 797b-jacuzzimobile.
<tang> +1

tang: “i don’t think i’ve ever imagined a more fabulous vehicle.”


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well, i feel productive. today i solved a problem that’s been plaguing me for a couple of weeks now, went to a meeting and am now officially a member of the WHPK staff (shiny green id card and all!), and filed my taxes.

plus, i went to target to pick up a couple of things and there was some weird drama being engaged in by some transvestites at the food court — someone took someone else’s picture; angry “damn, bitch!” and so forth shouts ensued; all checkout lanes ceased activity as everyone stopped to watch the show. but, more importantly, i totally scored a cute duvet cover on sale.

oh, and i decided i could put off laundry for another day. (hey, i might be unable to sleep tonight! and this way i can make my sleeplessness work for me!) so, today turned out pretty okay in the end.