• breaking my right pinky fingernail off incredibly short, so now it hurts every time i hit the return key.
  • buying an album that i’d added to my iTunes shopping cart ages ago (i use my cart as a sort of wishlist/to-get list, so i have about 25-30 things in it at most times), and discovering that i really really enjoy it, and now i’m sad that i missed out on all the intervening time of enjoying it between “i should get this, i think i’ll like it” and “damn, i like this a lot.”
  • the fact that i do not own the absolutely fucking gorgeous ’70 Boss 429 that is march’s pinup mustang. i really like that body style. and also it’s a brilliant royal blue. seriously, you don’t understand: i need that car, if only so that i can take a new pinup photo of it and remember to turn out the parking lights before i hit the shutter button.
  • leaving your apartment and getting in the elevator to go to work, realizing two floors down that you forgot your cell phone and you really need it, stopping the elevator at the next floor, running up three flights while dressed in a winter coat, scarf, and hat (over a hoodie over a t-shirt) and carrying twenty or so pounds of laptop + organizer + work shit. niqui was not meant to run up stairs while dressed for winter weather and carrying accessories! niqui is pretty much only meant for running in proper shoes and lightweight shirts and accessorized only by an ipod!
  • i filed my taxes simply DAYS ago, and yet i still have not received a fat pile of refunded cash! c’mon, IRS! fat pile of cash for niqui!!!