‘I know you like whiney stuff like Patiohead [sic]. So enjoy this crap too! ‘love,
i think the best and most accurate way to sum my current state up is “sincerely and severely hung over.”
so. last night. ladytron at metro. fabulous show, really good music. the openers, the presets, were excellent as well. we rocked out a lot. few people in the crowd deigned to so much as shift their weight from one hip to the other, much less actually dance, which i find completely mystifying. (for the record, i feel obligated to clarify that i have no idea why my complaint about that situation expressed itself as “friggin’ Americans,” but it was probably some sort of combination of british people talking and my belief that people actually dance in clubs in .uk, and did i mention that i drank a whole lot last night so i might not have been really making a whole lot of sense? you know, “no drunkblogging” always seems like such a sensible rule when sober; i just need to figure out how to make it seem sensible while actually drunk.) anyways. we danced. a lot. i had a blast until the ignominious conclusion. i think r. got some cute girl’s phone number. the #22 took forever to show up, followed by the #72 taking forever to show up, followed by me taking off my shoes on the corner of north and ashland because my feet fucking hurt and then walking home barefoot from there. then there was sleep. glorious, glorious sleep. which really should have been preempted for at least a few minutes to swill half a gallon or so of water but having broken the no drunkblogging rule already i suppose that i was not in a following-the-rules sort of mood. and now, fortified by multiple coffees, unhealthy breakfast food, and aspirin, i’m feeling ever so slightly human once again. well, human enough that every word out of my mouth isn’t “ow.”