the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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parcel post to $farawayland is expensive! somehow i always manage to forget that in between one box and the next. (of course it would probably help if i wasn’t mailing off twelve pound boxes.)

also, i inquired today: the slow boat (surface mail) takes six to eight WEEKS to arrive. but it has fantastic sea legs by the time it gets there…

happy new year’s

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well, i’ve officially dated my first thing-i-should-have-double-checked-before-sealing-the-envelope with the wrong year, so that must mean it’s officially 2007 now!

nerditty nerd nerd nerd

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just spend three and a half hours futzing around with networking shit with m. in a vain attempt to get, first, ordinary tunnelling (hah; any time you are breaking out the mknod and the nc, going through no fewer than two or three network address translations, and at least like four firewalls is not really “ordinary” … except for the part where it really, really is) and then a pptp vlan running so we could play networked warcraft III together.

really i cannot help but think that blizzard were somewhat remiss in thinking that friends would want to play games with each other without using or, in these modern days, WoW mmorpg stuff. i mean, WCIII came out in, what, 2002? we had dsl then, it wasn’t inconceivable that two people not on the same physical network would have both the ability and the desire to play a networked game. stupid blizzard. slackers!

also, stupid pptpd and its stupid config files, and stupid “which firewall is eating my packets NOW” issues. stupid three and a half hours spent messing with netmasks and crap that was not at all like killing bad guys. dammit.

a beauty must-have!

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Lookin' Good for Jesus!

“Redeems you in his eyes and takes the edge off sinning.”

dude. I WANT ONE!

(even if i do have the daleks from the new series shrieking “BLAS-PHE-MY! BLAS-PHE-MY!” in my head, now. i’m still flat on my ass with laughter. i am so going to hell.)

i’ve been thinking a lot about what to write in my obligatory year’s-end round-up post, folks, i really have. considering for weeks which topics i thought were noteworthy, pondering how to phrase things. i wrote a lengthy draft post that i was polishing up, and then it came to me, literally while fetching a glass of water from the kitchen: really, what all do i actually need to say about the year 2006? who the hell cares about things that sucked? pissing and moaning is stupid and boring, and i’m not gonna do it.

so here’s the encapsulated 2006: this was the year i melted down and then started to get my shit together again. that’s all.

and here’s the plan for 2007: (a) drink more water, because it’s good for me, and (b) be more happy. that’s all, too.

happy new year’s!