the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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so. scene:

there i was, an average sunday afternoon at home. nothing much going on. i was, in fact, cleaning my kitchen and doing the laundry. my hair was pushed back with a plastic headband to keep it out of my face; i was wearing khakis stained with pink paint from painting my bathroom, a t-shirt wherein a nerdy joke about emacs versus vi was being explained in comic form and, horror of horrors, i had grabbed a pair of Doc Marten sandals to put on over my socked feet while i ran downstairs to the basement to pull out the last load of laundry.

i had just gotten it upstairs and dumped it out on the bed to be folded and put away when m. showed up at my door with some soup he’d made. i went downstairs to answer the door … and he said, “get in the car!”

he then proceeded to steal me off to the hopleaf, one of my favorite beer-fan bars in the city, where others were lying in wait for us. we had a fantastic dinner (venison! and their wonderful mussels! and the “unhealthiest appetizer ever”! and the apple fritters (by which they mean deep fried tart apple slices with crème anglaise) and the chocolate torte thing (that was so dense with dark chocolate that we kept cracking jokes about how it was about to collapse into a black hole — okay, yes, two of the people there work at Argonne and we’re all giant nerds; shush)) were delicious, and of course the beers were marvellous. (i was having a very Unibroue evening, so several glasses of Maudite were had, along with a mug of warm Quelque Chose, though i did start out with some St. Louis framboise which was also excellent.) but best of all was the company of my friends.

this was an awesome birthday, even if i was caught, in fact not dead, in public wearing socks with sandals. :)


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XKCD web comic

happy birthday to me!

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i went back to truman to deal with placement exam waivers and takings (have college english comp credit; have no math credit == sadly, must take the math exam) and register for class. i shocked the hell out of myself by remembering enough weird and useless algebra junk to actually test into for-credit math courses (!!), and then suffered through truman’s incredibly archaic registration process (it involves lots of paper and no fewer than FOUR waitings-in-line — yuk — including “payment due at time of registration,” which sucks). but! i am now officially registered for the class i have been referring to as Auto Shop 101 (which is really Automotive Technology 101). i’m really excited. plus i can’t wait until i get to take fuel systems class and transmission class. transmission class is going to be really cool. gear ratios, baby!


in between liberating my car from the bastardry of The Man and being trapped in subway tunnels (p.s. my (first) train home friday got stopped too, in about the same spot, but for only about ten minutes and they never shut off the motors, thankfully), i am still up to no good. i promised Pirate Dan a spinning post the other day, so a spinning post i shall now make.

m. saw my spinning wheel last night. said he, “it’s so PVC!” said i, “i know!” i have a ghetto fabulous spinning wheel. i’d hug it except that i suspect i’d wind up accidentally poking an eye out.

so long as i’m posting knitterly stuff — i made another pair of socks, my second, out of the beautiful yarn my secret pal sent me, and on my way to work i decided i should photograph them on their first wearing.

Sock and Kiyoshi

today i decided to teach myself navajo plying, mostly because i don’t really like plying two singles together; it’s annoying that i always have leftover bits. so as it turns out it’s very easy, and i used some of those leftover bits i hate having to practice. my first attempt might have had a little more twist than it really needed:

Navajo plied yarn

but the second turned out a lovely little tiny, tiny skein:

Miniature skein

(don’t mind the television in the background; i’m just a giant nerd whose idea of wholesome saturday morning entertainment consists of an entire pot of coffee, yesterday’s episode of “Washington Week” on PBS, and spinning yarn. I DO SO HAVE A LIFE; SHUT UP.)

then i decided to watch the extended version of The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring, and spun up some pink roving and then plied that into yarn during the movie. it is now hanging in my shower to dry after having been wet down to set the twist. it is currently being weighted down by the first handy heavy-ish object i spotted, which happened to be a half-empty bottle of bubble bath. pictured alongside it is the white stuff from the first attempt at navajo plying, now pretty much dry, which calmed down a LOT with the judicious application of water.

Hanging wet yarn

i’ve actually got another bobbin full of the pink stuff, navajo plied (i had that one already spun into singles, and plied it during the movie), but i was too lazy to wind it off onto the niddy noddy and wash it, so there it sits, sadly enbobbined, awaiting its chance at the shower curtain hook drying area. perhaps tomorrow it will have its chance. or perhaps tomorrow i will actually do something productive other than make yarn that i have no idea what on earth i will do with it. it’s very nice yarn; don’t get me wrong. i’m just not sure what i can do with, oh, probably 400 yds. total of worsted-weight 80/20 merino/silk blend. in cotton-candy pink.

anyways, those are my latest excursions into the field of fiber arts. watch this space! coming up soon: an in-depth soul-searching analysis of the knitted christmas gifts i never finished (or hey, in most cases, started), and how perhaps they might be good rebranded as st. patrick’s day gifts, instead. or arbor day. people need gifts for arbor day, right? TREES ARE NICE! CELEBRATE THE TREES! HERE, HAVE SOME HANDKNITTED GOODS!

an eventful morning!

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i just got to work.

i was supposed to be here at 0930, but unfortunately, the blue line caught on fire, and my train (standing room only, sardine commuters!) was stopped in the tunnel for half an hour. it was evidently an electrical fire as they had to depower the line because — as the operator said — every time they supplied power, the fire flared up, so that meant no motors on the train running. no motors, no lights. NO AIR CONDITIONING.

y’all, it takes very little time for a packed subway car full of people to get HOT.

i got some knitting in. i would have taken a picture of it, but, y’know — no lights.

i finally walked in to the office about 10:10. amusingly/sadly, this is not, in fact, the most time that the blue line has ever taken to get me to work. i believe 80 minutes is the record.

of course amidst all the excitement of FIRE!, i forgot the other thing that happened to me on my way to work. according to the flourescent orange sticker on my driver’s side window, my car got booted at 0738 this morning. i am not really sure what i have done to deserve getting booted. there’s only one unpaid parking ticket on my car that i’m aware of (one which i actually tried to pay, but the City of Chicago pay-your-parking-ticket site could find no record of the ticket — typical), so that’s interesting if one unpaid parking ticket is now a bootable offense, as, last i heard, you had to have three. i’m sure this is going to cost me at least $300 to get dealt with, so, you know, that’s nice. good thing i quit smoking so i have extra money to give to the city of chicago for being bastards.

i wonder what other surprises today has in store for me? i think i would just as soon take a pass on them if they are anything like the first two!