the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

so, remember the part where i ordered dsl, and it was totally easy, and i was in disbelief that it was going to all come off without a fuss?

i was sorta right…

i finally managed to excavate enough boxes to get access to my desk today, and get the computer set up, and the wireless, and so forth. i plugged everything in and the computer happily rejoined my wireless network, and that’s the point where i went to go reconfigure the access point away from my old static ip ethernet configuration over to bog-standard PPPoE, and i realized that although my dsl seemed to be live, i had blinky lights and everything, but i’d forgotten to get my username and password from the sales agent on the phone. oops.

after sulking about it for a while, and trying all of the rather a lot of wireless networks i have within range all the way up here (seriously. there are like a dozen “linksysNNN” networks alone) and finding not one individual trusting enough to let me mooch bits from, i decided that… i would try the last username and password i had for sbc PPPoE dsl, and rely on basic ISP account maintenance incompetence to have prevented them from ever having purged that long-cancelled account from the authentication servers, and see if that worked. keep in mind, the last time i had sbc PPPoE dsl was when i lived in hyde park, which was before i lived in printer’s row last time, which puts it at about 4 years ago. it worked great! hooray for basic ISP account maintenance incompetence, the one thing that is universal through all providers everywhere!

i feel so flattered! somehow, a hillbot stumbled upon my little blog here and in response felt that i should “shut the fuck up.” i wonder why — was it the derision about hillary supporters’ inability to accurately wield allusions (again, ladies, racism uses ‘back of the bus’ to illustrate examples; sexism uses ‘get back in the kitchen.’ if you’re going to cliché, frankly, it’s the least you can do to cliché correctly), or was it the fact that i referred to the incessant whining of “baby boomer feminist clinton supporters” as “whining”?

hillary clinton’s candidacy has been a massive disappointment to me; starting from a point where i would have been just as pleased as punch if she were my democratic candidate, the campaign has done nothing more than progressively disillusion me. i posted in 2005 that “i think she’s a hell of a woman [and] i’d be happy to vote for her,” a sentiment which gradually shifted to “i think you kinda blew it”-style relative indifference as time and the primary campaign season passed, and has finally settled pretty firmly on “yeah, uh, no way.” the only mildly ironic part about it is that hillary’s campaign has done more to damage baby boomers, as a class (and especially classical Gloria Steinem-style feminists), in my eyes, than it actually has done to clinton herself. which just makes the hillbot comment more entertaining, considering she (i assume) (a) totally missed the point — OMG YOU DON’T HEART HILLARY, YOU ARE SUCH A MAN!!!!!!!!11!!1!1!!!!111!!!!! — and (b) was really, seriously, dude, just fucking whining. i mean, at the risk of being just another one of those latte-drinking intellectuals who don’t know what it’s like to be a real american (i guess my citizenship got downgraded when i went to college), what exactly makes you think one flavor of gender-bias is more acceptable than another? y’all people are messed up, and that’s why we’re not listening to you.

a bad idea

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dear everybody,

if, in the course of reading this blog, you come away with no other, more helpful information, at least you should know this:

i really, really cannot recommend coming down with the evil death flu a day and a half before moving into a new apartment. it is a bad idea. it is no fun. it is going to make tomorrow suck.

(at least i had the good sense to hedge my bets, and leave out my painkillers and some sudafed, while packing up the rest of my bathroom. still: ow.)



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dear baby boomer feminist clinton supporters:

Cynthia Ruccia, 55, a sales director for Mary Kay cosmetics in Columbus, Ohio, is organizing a group, Clinton Supporters Count Too, of mostly women in swing states who plan to campaign against Mr. Obama in November. “We, the most loyal constituency, are being told to sit down, shut up and get to the back of the bus,” she said.

Grow up. I’m so fucking tired of reading how it’s the duty of all women everywhere to vote for Hillary because she’s got the same chromosomes. Yes, sexism is doubtlessly bad but it’s not the same as racism so quit making allusions to the back of the goddamn bus. Also, your candidate is losing because her platform sucks and she lies; get over it.

Geraldine Ferraro, you can bite my shiny metal GenX ass, but you won’t, because you’re too fucking busy whining.

no love, and just so you know, this is totally the sort of bullshit that drove me to quit supporting NOW,

so bored of boxes

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4 days!

just a little left yet to box up. boxing things up is, as it turns out, sooo boooring. and thursday is shaping up to be quite busy with non-packing:

  • Bank – cash for tipping movers
  • Jewel – bottled water for movers at both apts
  • Clean fridge out and move everything to new apt
  • Drop carload of crap at Brown Elephant
  • Get keys back from cleaning service
  • Get keys back from laundry service

i think i’ll spend basically the whole morning and probably early afternoon on thursday running those errands. (joy!) i’m getting pretty close to being done packing, though — in the kitchen, i just have my cookbooks, wine glasses, and some coffee mugs and plastic tupperware stuff left to go; in the bedroom, my nerdy t-shirt collection which i forgot about due to its being in the bottommost drawer of my chest of drawers; in the computer room, my printer and speakers that can get packed ahead of time, and the computer itself plus networking gear, which goes in last; and my CDs/DVDs, which i have not yet packed on the basis of “i might want to listen to those while packing!” oh, and a little bit of soap stuff yet as well. and the guy is coming by tomorrow after work to disassemble my elliptical. actually, it kinda does sound like a lot of stuff yet. but mostly what really needs doing is cleaning and hauling stuff away to donate it.

everyone keep your fingers crossed that in the next 6 days, someone will (a) lease the apartment and (b) decide to take me up on keeping the air-conditioners, so i don’t have to try and hock them on craigslist, which will inevitably lead to two people bailing on me before the third shows up alone, thus forcing me to help them haul 3 a/c units down two flights of stairs. — i am somewhat surprised and yet not surprised at all that no one has (evidently) leased the place yet. it’s a great place, location-wise, and frankly if you’re only visiting briefly to see about leasing it, you wouldn’t know (as i didn’t know) about the weirdnesses like the shouting neighbors and the OMG so leaky porch roof and the furnace of doom. i wonder if $landlord raised the rent substantially? i certainly wouldn’t pay a grand for this place. and the poor person that does take the place is going to get smacked with some ugly-ass gas bills next winter, especially if the gas rates keep increasing. oh well. not my problem, i suppose… i just hope someone wants to take those air conditioners off my hands!