the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

oh, puhlease.

— In a message to, VH wrote: Regardless of acedemic research I know that there is a direct sexual relationship for guys who drive stick shift. It’s like that stick becomes “the stick” which connects them to the whole car making them feel “bigger”. Just go to any mall where teenagers hang out and look at the way they handle thier cars. It’s COMPLETELY sexual! Or when they rev thier engines. To me that seems mastabutory. Getting off with no direct effect except for your own enjoyment or show off your power/prowess.

gotta say, i love that. well, regardless of “acedemic [sic] research,” i know that there is a direct sexual relationship for anyone who ever ate a banana.

also? for teenagers, looking at linoleum is sexual. and furthermore, as for the idea that doing something that results in nothing productive other than your own personal enjoyment is (necessarily sexual|certainly frowned upon) — sorry, i missed the memo where we all became ascetic. mmmm, bananas.


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i really really really really really really really really really really want some cool ranch doritos right now.

Dear Democrats:

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niqui is so not pleased with recent turns of events.

get your asses in gear, you lazy shits!

no love,

back to the same bar for shooting pool with r., fearing the hipsters. no hipsters! hooray! also, Crazy Drunken Man was there (for the first time since his ignomious visit wherein he inquired as to my schmuckitude, according to the kindly bartender, and apparently also he requested this time that he should be cut off before he attains that same level of drunkenness), but he did not interact with r. and me. so, yay that. also, jason the really good pool player was there, and instilled a little humility in r.’s soul. which she probably deserved (says i, who won nary a game this evening — boo!).

also, continuance of my streak of having good luck drinking with strange gentlemen named pete. and then, pancakes. all in all, a good day out. even if i did spend forty bucks at ikea.

wednesday: kasey’s with some of the afterfolk.

thursday: frantic last-minute i would have to have white carpeting and dark cats who shed a lot last-minute cleaning before friend d. arrived; then much photo-gawking followed by heading north to embark on a mission to close the map room (um, so what exactly did they do while it was being renovated? ‘cos it looks the same to me.), followed by feeding a panhandler and getting a delicious polish from the guy with the roach coach on the corner (i love that guy), a stupid-long wait for a southbound train at the damen stop, much talking until late, sleeping in, friday: brunching at orange, and skating on a whim in millennium park (i acquited myself nicely despite the rental skate suck — they were weirdly all built-up boots like hockey skates, and v. hard to tighten the laces on, but had figure-skate blades — as mine were at work; d. had his own and acquited himself nicely as well) followed by a parting of the ways as d. returned east and i journeyed up to the wilds of wp/bucktown again to look at apartments. found one i liked but did not love (no ca, okay, but niqui would cry if she gave up her dishwasher!), return home after experiencing an interesting new twist on typical asking-for-money schemes (couple stopped in a car on the ramp to congress eastbound off of sb 90/94, a v. bad place indeed to either legitimately have a breakdown or to stage a scam, as the ramp is v. curvy and it would have been easy to have someone come around doing 50 and not see in time to not hit them), followed by oh god i cannot cope with looking through craigslist apartment ads at the mo, i think i’ll just take a naaaaap…. saturday: brunch with s. to be followed by ikea (as is our tradition to acquire things for s.’s house (“FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND TEA LIGHT CANDLES…FOR THREE DOLLARS!”) and rearrange things while $husband{s} is out of town, because that shit never gets not funny), to be followed by shooting pool with r., hopefully not to be interrupted this time by the hipster invasion… sunday: then more packing! because what with all this hanging out with friends and enjoying myself, there must be karmic punishment in the form of tedium! which reminds me, i need to buy more boxes.