the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

second round of oral surgery was today. the operation was a success; the two impacted bottom teeth were much easier to remove than the freaky mutant shark tooth, and i’m now wisdom tooth-free. unfortunately, i’m in a lot of pain, which was not helped by the fact that they wrote the magic authorization-for-dispensing-narcotics id number wrong on the scrip and the pharmacy refused to give me vicodin. fortunately i had some left over from round one.

right now, i’m mostly just interested in fast-forwarding a few days to the point where i have forgotten how rotten this feels, and am able to rejoice in the fact that my jaw is not giving me constant headaches due to overcrowding. oh, some free advice to any oral surgeons out there:

  • when the patient is 3/4 done with having her wisdom teeth out, NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO MENTION SHE SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN A GENERAL, BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT TOLERATE “PRESSURE.” no matter how sympathetic you are to the poor sad whimpering girl in your chair of doom, this is the equivalent of saying “i told you so.” seriously, just keep that little tidbit to yourself.
  • (and, for your information, nobody told me so. the resident, who was very sweet (especially in comparison to The First Oral Surgeon Experience), was like oh, get the local, it’ll be fiiiiiiiiiine. everyone was in fact wrong, but considering the position i was in at the time that you brought this up today i did not really find it necessary to correct you. also i would have sounded like bill cosby if i had tried.)
  • (and, for your further information, i handled the second tooth just fine! i can’t help it if apparently all the wisdom teeth on the right side of my face were involved in a massive right-wing conspiracy to cause me pain.)
  • and, finally: never mind the circumstances, the patient never wants to hear the “u” word: unusual. especially said with a note of curiosity in your voice. i don’t care if you are a D4. just keep it in your pants, pal.

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yes, but …

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but … what does it do??

i hate marketing.


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so i like to cook. i like to make things from scratch. i have cake flour in my kitchen. multiple types of sugar. that sort of thing.

yesterday i got this insanely compulsive desire to have nachos. i’m not really much of a nachos person generally — if someone has them, i might (will probably) eat some. i, like everyone else, will try to strategically steal the chips with all the cheese. but i don’t generally go out of my way to acquire nachos. i mean, they’re just not very good for you and it is my patriotic duty as a not-svelte american to feel guilty if i so much as look at a waitress carrying nachos to someone else’s table. so it was a little uncharacteristic for me to want to go forth and fetch nachos. or, nacho-making supplies as, of course, it would be cheating and unworthy to not actually make the nachos. fortunately, i have a lovely little supermercado almost literally around the corner (i have to walk to the end of my block, turn, and go half a block) and they have everything i need, down to the escobeche. so i just started making my nacho accessories. i soaked my pinto beans overnight and fried them up today. (damn, bad idea: it’s too hot-slash-muggy to be cooking!) it turns out that it’s really stupid easy to make refried beans. it’s also pretty damn easy to make really tasty fresh salsa. i’m feeling pretty good about this so far. i even invented a delicious tasty drinkie to go along: fizzy water + framboise liqueur + lime + ice. plus non-optional paper umbrella. sip and relax. contemplate your avocados. (of course the unfortunate bit of making the refried beans came after i realized that the company i’m having over tomorrow is at least nominally jewish, and of course i used bacon fat. (no lard. i could not bring myself to buy a whole pound of manteca. bacon at least seems slightly justifiable. also it smells fantastic while cooking.) great, so now i’m not even going to have any help with the approximately eight thousand pounds of frijoles refritos i now have. way to plan that there, sabrina!) now i just have guacamole to make up, but i ran out of tomatos and it’s over ninety degrees out there, and i’m not sure i’m willing to give up my tasty drinkie, even just to walk around the corner, to fetch one. ridiculously, stupidly easy recipes beyond the jump.[MORE]

one of my favorite musical sounds ever is funk bass guitar.

i mean, i love guitars, i love percussion and a nice throbbing bass, but really, funk bass is one of the best developments ever. it gets in you and if you don’t at least want to bop your head along you are sincerely broken somehow.

hich brings me to today’s topic of self-indulgent rumination: the grateful dead.

i used to dislike the grateful dead. i thought it was annoying hippie crap. then, in ’87, they released the single “touch of grey,” which i not only liked immediately but continued to like a whole lot. as a kid, i didn’t have an allowance and therefore never had any money to buy albums (a contributing factor to my modern-day insatiable music-buying lust? no doubt), so i never bought in the dark, but i’d call and request KZ93 to play it for me and dance and sing along every time it came on the radio. i still disliked the dead, but i really liked that song. the contradiction of the relentlessly cheerful music and the way jerry sang the song with the apparent insouciant pessimism of the actual lyrics was always hugely appealing to me, and it still is. (it’s the same reason that i really love outkast’s “unhappy,” which i think is a brilliant fucking song. it’s probably just coincidence that both songs take a ridiculously perky cliche and make it snarky, but i do dig the snark, it must be said.)

a few years later a friend — when i got annoyed at being told of all the things i “should” know about, and demanded that he give me a list to work through (i still have it, incidentally, and i believe that i’ve accomplished nearly everything on it except watching Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, which just never really sounded interesting to me) — made me a mixtape (remember mixtapes? i miss mixtapes.) which had “ripple” on it. and then i discovered that i liked that song too.

around that time i finally had a music budget, so at some point i ended up picking up american beauty, which i of course now acknowledge as one of my favorite albums. okay, yes: annoying hippie crap, but it’s a good album.

don’t get the wrong idea. i haven’t entirely reversed my position. i have no dancing bears stickers on my car or tie-dyed grinning skull banners on my walls, i’m not particularly sorry jerry’s dead or that i never got to stalk the dead from hallucinogenic stop to stop, and truth be told i still tend to listen to what might be charitably characterized as “less-than-perky” music most of the time, but there are a number of occasions which, quite frankly, call for one to put on a dead cd and just chill out for a little bit. it’s not going to change the world or anything, but it might make your day a little better, and that’s cool.

this morning was a good time to break out shakedown street. now, shakedown street is not my favorite dead album (of the three i own — the last is workingman’s dead, which is pretty decent), but it features another favorite dead song, the title track. the funk comes in to play around here a little bit, since it was the seventies — god bless the seventies — and even muzak came served with funk standard in the seventies, but that’s all right. it’s a silly little song that never changed the face of music, but that ba da da dat dat WOO! bit gets me every time. i am physically incapable of not singing along. seriously, if they played it at jewel while i was grocery shopping after work, surrounded on all sides by bitter hipsters and bitchy trixies i’d still be going “WOO!” at all the appropriate times, smirking gleefully at the people who stared at me, and also kinda surreptitiously boogying with my basket of groceries. it wouldn’t even matter if i’d had a shitty day at work or if it was a full-on blizzard outside; the bass would eat my good sense and leave nothing behind but a crazy white girl dancing around in the yogurt section.

and so that’s what i’m up to this morning. relaxing, drinking a cup of coffee, and singing along with the grateful dead on “don’t tell me this town ain’t got no heart; y’just gotta poke around.” ‘cos that’s the sort of day today is, and the sort of song the sunshine and breezes coming in my windows are crying out for. it’s hippie crap, but maybe it turns out that i’m a hippie crap kind of girl, sometimes, after all.