the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

bulls versus knicks at the UC tonight. should be fun — not least because Sec 113, Row A, Seats 3-4. am looking forward to it. if bill irritates me, will simply push him out of his chair on to the court where someone can dribble the ball on his head!

p.s. if, while watching the game on the teevee, you see a girl with short brown stripey hair wearing a green sweater get pummeled in the face with a foul ball, you know… send me a get-well card.

am now determined to go see the hawks play, because i haven’t been to a hawks game since, like, ’98 or ’99 or something ridiculous. hawks vs. leafs sounds fun. friday, 22 dec. anyone in?

fixy, fixy, fixy

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so, i have done most of the heavy lifting for porting the blog from blosxom over to wordpress. a few things remain. sadly, they are mostly the annoying and hard-to-accomplish things.

  • set up apache, mysql, php
  • set up wordpress
  • import blosxom entries
  • modify comments in templates to point at haloscan instead of wordpress
  • customize wordpress theme
  • go through and properly categorize imported posts (about 200 of ~980 done)
  • either fix the formatting that broke in the import, or decide i don’t care about ugly formatting on imported posts
  • (showstopper) make sidebar less ugly
  • figure out how to rename existing haloscan threads to re-align them with their proper posts
  • do the legwork on renaming existing haloscan threads
  • (showstopper) figure out why WP’s rss feed isn’t escaping &s in blog subtitle fields correctly, and is therefore too wonky to use
  • (showstopper) set up apache redirect for existing rss uri to new rss uri
  • (showstopper) decide how to implement redirects for old blosxom permalinks (and then actually implement them)

you can view the new blog now here, though that link will only be valid as long as blosxom is still the “production” blog. there are a couple of entries up there that aren’t in blosxom, but they’re mostly along the lines of “play with the pretty shiny new toy” stuff. whee!

as i have previously had issues with denying myself things i wanted and then being immediately presented with something bad — am wondering if the fact that i decided against buying new speakers (which i really really want, and have wanted for months — have actually gone out shopping intending to buy, twice!, eventually talking myself out of it both times because i don’t really need them) is why i had to spend $280 taking poor pathetic kiyoshi to the veterinary ER last night.

he’s okay now, but man, was he not happy yesterday. first he’s yakking all over the carpet and, uh, let’s just say “engaging in unusual behavior patterns,” then he gets stuffed into the kitty carrier and hauled to the vet (meanwhile i’m both worried about my poor cat and also starving to death because i hadn’t eaten since lunch and i was getting ready to go out for dinner when kiyoshi started freaking out), then he gets poked and his temperature taken and x-rayed and an IV and all kinds of mean nasty ugly horrible things (right there on the group W bench). they gave me a CD-ROM of his x-rays, antibiotics, and i have to start feeding him metamucil and take him to his regular vet for a checkup. poor cat just can’t catch a break. all he wants to do is take a nap, man!

so, in short, these things make me wonder. i’m crap at self-denial, but am i so crap that engaging in it actually causes bad things to happen? am i meant by a cosmic force to yes, have those great shoes! yes, get speakers for your kitchen! yes! should i continue to be more scared of the consequential having of no money than i am of the potential consequential DOOM!, or should i give in and CONSUME!?

man, being a grown-up is confusing.

Catblogging Friday

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I have nothing funnier than this and this  in the history of ever. Srsly.

(P.S. WYSIWYG editors apparently shame me into using uppercase. Ooo! Weird!)

Hello world!

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Wow. I can tell already that importing all my blosxom posts — in a way so that they are legible, at any rate — is going to be a ginormous pain in the ass.

The import script relies on the RSS feed, and something in between the RSS feed and the import scripts is breaking all my links very obnoxiously, and adding in explicit paragraph breaks where all there was before was a non-HTML-encoded linefeed. And let’s not get into what it does to my Amazon Associates links. blah.
I fixed about five posts by hand. I only have about 980 posts in blosxom in total….

Turns out, you know… I know perl.  You know, what blosxom is written in?  And I know how to get rid of extra linebreaks.  Because chomp() is, um, hard  You know what, just forget I wrote the whole bit above about linebreaks.  Let’s pretend this never happened.  Oh, and, um, apologies to anyone who was reading the extremely repetitive blosxom RSS feed (Hi, Livejournal!) while this was being fixed…

So really, all I have to actually do by hand is to go through and add extra categories to things that need more than one category.  Which is, I swear to God, my main reason for switching.  And then I have to figure out how to make it link in my haloscan comments.  And then fix the layout.  And I honestly think the layout may be the worst part.  Your pal niqui is not a web designer.