Wow. I can tell already that importing all my blosxom posts — in a way so that they are legible, at any rate — is going to be a ginormous pain in the ass.

The import script relies on the RSS feed, and something in between the RSS feed and the import scripts is breaking all my links very obnoxiously, and adding in explicit paragraph breaks where all there was before was a non-HTML-encoded linefeed. And let’s not get into what it does to my Amazon Associates links. blah.
I fixed about five posts by hand. I only have about 980 posts in blosxom in total….

Turns out, you know… I know perl.  You know, what blosxom is written in?  And I know how to get rid of extra linebreaks.  Because chomp() is, um, hard  You know what, just forget I wrote the whole bit above about linebreaks.  Let’s pretend this never happened.  Oh, and, um, apologies to anyone who was reading the extremely repetitive blosxom RSS feed (Hi, Livejournal!) while this was being fixed…

So really, all I have to actually do by hand is to go through and add extra categories to things that need more than one category.  Which is, I swear to God, my main reason for switching.  And then I have to figure out how to make it link in my haloscan comments.  And then fix the layout.  And I honestly think the layout may be the worst part.  Your pal niqui is not a web designer.