the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

knitterly update

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i realize it’s been forever since i’ve posted anything knittish. (i would say “knitty” but, you know, it’s taken.) so i thought it was time for an update!

i saw Palette the other day and i kinda want to make it. i just don’t have any pretty handpainted rovings to spin, and furthermore, i’m not sure i could spin laceweight. really, at this point, i can reliably spin something relatively evenly that winds up as about a worsted weight when navajo-plied. i’m kind of afraid that trying to spin something lighter weight than that would wind up being more frustrating than relaxing. maybe i should buy something variegated and knit Argosy instead — like the big wimp that i am.

but, that said. i am improving at spinning. here’s a pic of some of the stuff i’ve completed recently:

handspun yarn by niqui!

the grey stuff is some shetland wool i picked up at my favorite LYS, 2-ply and pretty loosely spun (i hate plying normally, i don’t seem to be very good at it…). the pink stuff is some really lovely 80% merino/20% silk, from the same LYS (Loopy Yarns if you must know!) that was my first real completed batch of navajo plied stuff and it turned out quite nice if i do say so myself. the black/white stuff is some Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride roving i got from The Sheep Shed Studio. actually, i was really happy with that — it’s not like you know what you’re going to get when you order, but i really wanted some white/straight black (not grey) stuff. and that’s what i got! so i spun a bobbin and navajo plied it up, and i think it turned out pretty well.

the little cards on the skeins identify when i spun them, what the fiber content is, and the length in meters and yards. i started doing that after i read a remark on The Yarn Harlot‘s web site when she mentioned a lovely skein of handspun she’d received as a gift and lamented that lovely skeins of handspun from friends didn’t tend to come with yardage listed so she didn’t know what to do with it. i thought that was silly, so ever since i started spinning i measure and label each skein. i mean, why not? the hard part is winding it on the niddy-noddy, not counting the wraps. sheesh. so i just cut holes in inkjet business cards and thread some yarn through, and poof!, instant labels. i think more lovely skeins of handspun should have the yardage listed, don’t you?

then there’s The Boring Scarf:

Brown garter stitch scarf

(never mind the stereo there. i am going to take it to get repaired, before it turns into a structural stereo, HONEST I AM. the fact that i have piled knitting baskets on top of it signifies nothing.)

this is the first thing i have ever knitted in garter stitch — at least, since i was like 8 years old. it got to be garter stitch because i tried making fancier things — i really wanted a slightly lacy, open stitch for this beautiful yarn — and i ripped it back so many times i got disgusted and said “screw it, it’s going to be garter stitch.” and actually, i think it’s looking pretty good despite that. the yarn is so fuzzy, soft and lightweight, not to mention glossy, that it sort of looks more like seed stitch if you don’t look at it too hard. the yarn is absolutely fantastic and i’d love to have a sweater made out of it. (sadly, it’s $13 a ball so that won’t happen any time soon, but a girl can dream.) predictably, however, it is sort of a pain to work with — remember those earlier froggings? — and i’m pretty sure i have dropped stitches somewhere in there. i cast on 30. there’s been 31 stitches on the needles for at least the past 12-16 inches or so. i tried ripping back and fixing my mistakes a couple times — c’mon, it’s garter stitch!!! — but the yarn is just so freaking fuzzy i couldn’t find anything. so i figure, i’ll block it and if i ever find the part where there’s a dropped stitch, and it drops (hey, think positive: the fuzz might hold it in place), i’ll crochet-hook walk it back up and then tie it off or something. i am not going to fret any more. it is a garter stitch scarf. i’m not supposed to fret about it. i bet you can guess how it earned the name The Boring Scarf… though it does make good subway knitting (thus the circs, since that way you won’t drop a needle on the el).

i was going to take a picture of that sock i mentioned a while ago, that was making me mad so i put it in a box to sit and contemplate its sins for a while. but now … um. there just really isn’t much of anywhere for it to have gone, and yet i cannot find it. folks, i pretty much have one knitting basket. but the sock isn’t in it. *sigh* so the evil sock actually stole off in the middle of the night, just to taunt me… and it took my #1 sock circs with it!!! stupid Evil Sock.

and finally, my home improvement project of a few weeks ago. (click through to the flickr page to see little commenty notes on what everything is.)

Knitting stuff!  In boxes!  Real organized-like!

so i had these little grid-shelf thingies that i got from target (naturally…) and i had a couple skeins of yarn on them, when it occured to me that i could pile more yarn on the shelf if i kept it from falling off the front. and i thought, well, how can i keep the yarn from falling off the front of the shelf? if only i had some way to block it off, like… like… SHOELACES. like TWINE. like… hey, i have lots of string!! so yes, my shelves are all crisscrossed with Cascade 220 now. but i am tickled to bits at my awesome yarn and roving bins. seriously, check out my yarn and roving bins!! how cool is that. i get to look at all my prettiest yarns whenever i want, and my roving is all tucked away neatly where i can grab some and start spinning, whenever i want. it’s awesome. and it even looks nice, and the cats stay out of it.

anyways, that’s what i’ve been up to lately. nothing too impressive. i guess i’m just a socks and scarves kind of girl. :)


the show is tonight. i love the scissor sisters so much. i cannot wait. i have been twitching with anticipation all week. I SHALL GET MY DANCE ON. oh hell yes! it will be epic!

i hate ebay jerks

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i have been trying for weeks to find a used kitchen table.

every weekend, i pull up ebay (among other sources) and browse and see what they have. i am of the opinion that when it comes to used things (especially common things like used formica dinettes) if something is not perfect i should let it go by, and worst case if it’s perfect but i didn’t realize it and let it go by, something very similar will come up sooner or later anyways, so it’s not worth stressing over. except, you know… sometimes…

this week i had a couple of potential hits. one of them almost immediately got bidded out of my price range (with days and days left to go on the auction, sheesh), then another took several days before someone bid it up. i had one other prospect, left alone by other bidders probably because the seller wouldn’t ship and it didn’t have matching chairs. naturally, i just got sniped on it and lost the auction — a fucking ebay auction for a stupid $10 table that nobody else was even interested in until the last fucking thirty seconds of the auction, and i was going to drive out to the milwaukee suburbs to get it, and i even had asked the seller questions ahead of time about it, and i was being paranoid and reloading the page even though nobody else had even bid on it at all, and i was so happy to think i had finally gotten my table… and I HATE STUPID TABLE THIEVING EBAY SNIPERS! i worked to find that auction! it was perfect! and i just want a stupid kitchen table! dammit!


i hope you drop it on your foot while loading it into your TACKY MINIVAN, and break every metatarsal in your foot and have to be in a cast for MONTHS, you ENORMOUS TWERP.

so, the other day i began to suffer from an embarassment of riches: the post office suddenly found themselves with packages for me. seven of them, to be precise: first, the replacement package for pirate dan’s present was delivered. then days later followed pickup slips for two ebay auctions, some DVDs from .ca, some DVDs from .uk, the original package from pirate dan, and — miracle of miracles! — my secret pal’s january parcel from .de! ah, 60622: they must have been just saving them all up so i’d only have to make one trip to pick up the packages. really, they had my best interests at heart.

(i never have gotten the package from 29 December, but hey. you can’t have everything.)

first of all, though, i must note this — i received, about a week ago, an envelope from “The Moustache Factory,” on the north side. actually, i thought it must have been a joke return address from Eamon (because of his participation in Mustaches for Kids) though i couldn’t imagine what he would be sending me, but i was wrong. there actually is a Moustache Factory on the north side, and they make buttons!

A piece of pie, with a moustache

but that was just the warm-up…



An envelope of yarny goodness

Check it out. Beautiful snow white yarn and the most fantastic blue variegated yarn, plus a custom CD with the nicest handmade insert! This is so awesome I have no choice but to give you close-up photos.

Blue yarn closeup

isn’t that yarn spectacular? i’m not sure what it wants to be, but i’m thinking maybe a hat. i could totally have a blue hat.

and the CD…

fuer die Seelie

CD insert

CD back

and, even included was a packet of Parker Quink cartridges, which are a real pain to find here! (For anyone at work who’s ever stared at me while I freakishly refilled my pen from an actual, honest-to-god pot of ink — well, you try finding Parker cartridges in the corner stationer’s.) And for my SP who hoped they were the right kind to get … here are two of my pens these cartridges work in! :)

Pens and ink

Left/top pen is a Parker Vector, which is one of my favorite pens for a medium-point (normally I prefer very fine points). Right/bottom pen is a Parker Sonnet, with a beautiful brushed matt barrel and cap and a filigreed fine point nib, which I got at Harrod’s in London several years ago. (Pens make nice souvenirs. It brings back pleasant memories when you choose which one to write with, and use it. Now I have some nice memories for the ink as well!)

But that’s not the only writing instrument in the box…!

Winged pencil

Even the stamps on this package were pretty:


This was really a marvellous package and I am really pleased it finally arrived! Thank you, Secret_Tux. :)


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i have had, for some reason, EXTREMELY good luck getting tickets to upcoming shows, lately. i am not sure what’s going on, but it’s fucking fantastic.

it all started out a week or two ago when i got an email alert about a show at Northerly Islandthe Charter One Pavillion about a show with The Fray and OK Go. i’m not hugely fond of either band but i thought it might be fun to see them live, and i really like that venue (it’s really tough to beat a lovely summer night, outside show, on the lakefront), and the tickets were like $25 or something, so i thought, “ok, i’ll go for it, it’ll be fun.”

then, i managed to score Bloc Party tickets for next later this month, at the Congress Theatre. now this is a real score because i love bloc party (i do not care what you say) and i spent months last year counting down until i could buy tickets for a september show — i found a reference to it early in the year, stuck notes in my dayrunner, and kept checking back and checking back … and was eventually completely heartbroken to realize that it had been about a show in september 2005, and i was not going to be seeing them on the 25th. i dwelt bitterly upon this failure for ages, until i saw this come up, and swooped in for the kill. you cannot stop the rocking out!

and next, Arcade Fire are coming to town and tickets were going to go on sale last saturday at 11AM, but i had an appointment to take my cats to the vet’s at 10AM, and it’s illegal to drive and phone in chicago so i figured i was going to miss my shot to get tickets. (it’s probably extra illegal to drive and phone ticketmaster, since dealing with ticketmaster is effectively a guarantee to drive any otherwise sensible human completely mad, or at least off the road while screaming at them.) i attempted to con someone into get a friend to buy tickets on my behalf but that fell through, and of course by the time i got home and got online around noon, all three shows were sold out. i sulked angrily for a little while — i really love arcade fire — and contemplated getting tickets to see them in toronto or montreal or someplace and taking a road trip. and then i realized: ticket broker. yeah, it’s expensive. but. i love the band. i really want to see them live, and i have wanted to do so for a long time. and fuck it, you only live once. so i did it. i scored two tickets (only sold in sets, alas) to see them play Chicago Theatre in may. front row balcony seats, even. TICKET BROKERS OFFICIALLY ROCK.

and today? today, i was all, “man, i want to see Scissor Sisters. i wonder if they’re touring soon.” they weren’t the last time i had checked — last time i checked, all i knew about was a uk/european tour coming up, but no US dates — but today? today i looked and … they are in town next friday. of course it was already sold out, but i’d already lost my ticket broker virginity, so… called Best Friend in All Things Girly Squee (and Dance Music) Rachel, and popped the question. she is fabulous and therefore simply answered, “yes.” i clicked “Submit,” and landed us two tickets to the sold out show at the Riv for next friday night. we will dance until we can dance no more. it will be fantastic!

and i cannot contain my squee at my brilliant luck at getting tickets. this is going to be great.

p.s. i bought all my tickets in pairs, as i hate seeing shows alone. want the second one? let me know!

p.p.s. i had to invent the category “squee” just for this post. SQUEE!