the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

oh, dear god

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the white sox are in the basement. we are being beaten in the standings by THE KANSAS CITY ROYALS.

i think i’m too embarrassed to leave the house.


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it’s a good thing that i really like the baudelaire pattern because it’s starting to look like i’m never going to be done knitting it.

so, first: i cast on my first sock. and i knit partway up the instep, discovered a problem, and had to frog back about half. then i got going again, but knit it way too long before starting the heel, so i had to frog back a couple of inches. then i got the heel turned and up the leg and did the ribbing and cast off, but the sock seemed loose, so i didn’t weave in the ends — keeping my options open as to whether or not i wanted to rip it and reknit it.

my second sock, which i’m now up to the gusset on, is turning out much better. however, it is serving to highlight the deficiencies of the first:

sock toes

no points for guessing which toe was the first. … so i think i’m going to finish up this second sock, and then rip back out the first and knit it again. sigh. at this rate, by the time i get the pair done, i’ll actually have knitted about four socks. oh well, better to knit endlessly than to call it “good enough” and have a pair of socks i never wear because one of them is baggy and won’t stay up.

dragged sock #2 with me to Wrigley Field yesterday, to watch the Cubs play the Cards — it has already been to Sox Park twice, and the first sock four times. of course, we had bleacher seats, and — this was new on me — bleacher seats are all GA. and that means first come first served — and since it was versus the Cards, lots of people came early. we couldn’t find seats, and wound up just standing around on the concourse for a couple of hours before the start time and during the rain delay. and then the game started, and we found spots on the stairs along a railing… and the security guys shooed us away because someone might want to use the railing, so we couldn’t stand there. once we were back on the concourse, we couldn’t see anything at all, so we wound up leaving the park and going to a neighboring bar to watch the game on tv. somewhat disappointing. i was looking forward to a ballgame. oh well, at least the tickets were free.

i spent some time earlier today spinning some yarn up on my drop spindle, my homework from the spinning class i’m taking at Loopy Yarns. (i’d actually signed up for the class in March or so, but it got pushed back and so here we are…) i kinda hurt my hand a little bit doing that, since it’s harder on my wrist than using the wheel, but before i called it quits i got some silk spun up and some grey shetland wool. i was thinking i might try plying them together and see how it looks. although i spun just such a small amount of either that no matter how it turns out, it’ll still be the world’s tiniest ball of yarn once i’m done. oh well! we’ll have the second part of our class on thursday, so we’ll see how that goes. i do like spinning, i just wish i had more time to devote to it. as it is, it takes me forever to get anything at all completed, so … eh.

nothing else of note going on. which, i’ll note, hasn’t stopped me from blogging about it. so, um, there’s the news, from sabrinaville. come back soon!

Bodhisattva, would you take me by the hand?
Bodhisattva, would you take me by the hand?
Can you show me the shine of your Japan?
The sparkle of your china?
Can you show me?
Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva,
I’m gonna sell my house in town.
Bodhisattva, I’m gonna sell my house in town.
And I’ll be there to shine in your Japan,
To sparkle in your China.
Yes, I’ll be there, Bodhisattva.

nothing like a call to the vet to inquire about a possible symptom your cat is exhibiting, resulting in a “you need to bring him in RIGHT NOW” and a zip home followed by mad cat snatching and a zip back downtown to the vet, where the cat is pronounced in good health (for a 16 year old diabetic cat who’s really a little cranky about all this getting stuffed in the kitty carrier and hauled off to the vet, lately), to really get your adrenaline going.

followed by when i got home, i pulled in to park in front of my house and my car got stuck, like a snowdrift, in the gravel pit the water department left us in place of asphalt lately. *facepalm*

next week, on As The Catbox Turns: insulin injections! (assuming his blood sugar doesn’t miraculously come down, uh, 350 mg/dL in the next few days.)


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a poacher is niqui!