nothing like a call to the vet to inquire about a possible symptom your cat is exhibiting, resulting in a “you need to bring him in RIGHT NOW” and a zip home followed by mad cat snatching and a zip back downtown to the vet, where the cat is pronounced in good health (for a 16 year old diabetic cat who’s really a little cranky about all this getting stuffed in the kitty carrier and hauled off to the vet, lately), to really get your adrenaline going.

followed by when i got home, i pulled in to park in front of my house and my car got stuck, like a snowdrift, in the gravel pit the water department left us in place of asphalt lately. *facepalm*

next week, on As The Catbox Turns: insulin injections! (assuming his blood sugar doesn’t miraculously come down, uh, 350 mg/dL in the next few days.)