the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

so i have recently decided to pursue a really, really, really, really, really difficult goal: to pay off my credit card debt by the end of this calendar year.

in aid of this, i have been going down my expenses the past four days, and, like Ebenezer Scrooge, slashing through any expense that isn’t strictly non-negotiable. like, food. i retain my grocery budget for the month, and, like, rent and electricity. but, once i ferret out another couple of recurring charges, i think i will have cut out about $200 in actual monthly bills, and slashed about another $100 in “potential” bills: things that i plan to spend money on but that aren’t actually hard costs (like yarn, or soapmaking supplies). i’ll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say that with rather a lot of effort, and with help from my mom paying her mortgage (for real this time), i will nearly double the amount that i’ll be sending to the credit card debt. and if i can keep that up for the next six months, without fail, i will wipe out the debt by the end of the year.

i may not make the goal, actually. i have a couple of big expenses coming up later this year that i can’t really avoid — eye exam and new contact lenses; home and auto insurance premiums, etc., that sort of thing — but, at least, by the end of the year, if i can stick to my completely bare-bones entertainment budget of $5/mo, and eliminate eating out and unnecessary shopping and, you know, fun, i should have it down to within about a grand of being paid off. and i can’t even begin to tell you how great that will be.

that said: expect lots of whiny blog posts that will have “I’m bored!” at their root, between now and then…

Why? Why? Why?

Why? Why? Why?

Originally uploaded by sldownard.

This guy spent the whole game on his crackberry.

Dear White Sox:


no love,

Dear Cleveland Indians:

I still don’t like Grady Sizemore. But I might watch a couple of your games so I can live vicariously and remember what it’s like to see a baseball game that doesn’t make me want to shut the television off by the sixth inning because, well, I can see what’s gonna happen here…

I may still root for Grady to spontaneously burst into flames, though. I can’t change who I am.

I’m just sayin’,

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Originally uploaded by sldownard.

Dressed up for the game

So I did some arithmetic over coffee this morning, before getting ready for work, and it looks like if everything holds steady for the next little while, at worst I will be out of credit-card debt by next march, and with a little more effort, it’s even possible I might actually be totally out of debt by the end of the year!

I think I’m going to make that my goal. I’ll keep on brownbagging lunch and avoiding using my car ($4/gal in the city for the premium gas my car drinks!) and doing errands on foot and .. well, I’m not going to give up my magic laundry fairies (because they really do improve the quality of my life, and I think that’s worth safeguarding), but I did cut back from the magic pick-up and bring-back fairies (who turned out to be not so very talented at the bringing back thing, though in fairness they were good at the picking up) to the drop-off and take-away fairies, which saves twenty bucks or so a month. Maybe I can give up Netflix (though I hate to, but that would be $25/mo!). Anyways, I’m going to make it my goal to continue to be a complete cheapskate for the rest of the year and try really, really hard to get it all paid off by then, because if I do, I can increase my 401(k) contributions at open enrollment in December, to use up the extra money I’ll have once my credit cards are paid off. And really, that would make me feel really really badass. :) From exhaustingly endebted to responsibly saving, in 6 months or less! (Well, actually it’s been about 6 years at this point, but I’m pointedly ignoring the past.)

I’ll have to do some more math tonight and figure out exactly what I’ll have to cut out of my budget to make room for this kind of money. But I’m feeling really cheerful and energized. Who would think that doing compound interest calculations over your first cup of coffee on a Tuesday would turn out to be a good thing?

See more progress on: pay off my credit card debt