the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in postcards from insanityville

with all the problems that using the CTA entails (trains that never come, never-ending slow zones, endless waiting making me late for work, trains on fire, and i’m not even going to start with the busses), this is a brief summation of why i don’t habitually drive to work: 0825: Ready to leave. Schedule after […]


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it’s a good thing that i really like the baudelaire pattern because it’s starting to look like i’m never going to be done knitting it. so, first: i cast on my first sock. and i knit partway up the instep, discovered a problem, and had to frog back about half. then i got going again, […]

nothing like a call to the vet to inquire about a possible symptom your cat is exhibiting, resulting in a “you need to bring him in RIGHT NOW” and a zip home followed by mad cat snatching and a zip back downtown to the vet, where the cat is pronounced in good health (for a […]

..oh shit, i’m supposed to be at a baseball game that starts in 10 minutes!!

ah, my mortal enemy is on his way. i can hear his creeping, long before he is within my sight. the neighborhood children line the street in fear and trepidation, wondering how their lives will be forever changed by the impending doom. will today be the day? will he be enveloped in a ball of […]