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Browsing Posts in pop culture

james brown :(

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i am certain other people will write fine eulogies. for me, i’ll just say, i liked his records a lot. my friend rory gave me a copy of Get On the Good Foot for christmas 1995, after i listened the hell out of his copy. i’m listening to it right now. it’s still awesome. i […]

i know that i am, like, the exact opposite of ideal demographic for television marketers: i have a relatively high income, am single, and in the desirable age range, but (a) i don’t have cable so they don’t get any money from me that way, and (b) i use tivo, so the advertisers aren’t going […]


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and this just illustrates more of why i so adore the scissor sisters: Out: The Orange County crowd is obviously a different kind of crowd than the hipper-than-thou crowd. [Jake] Shears: We don’t like playing for hipper-than-thou. It’s not enjoyable. It’s not a great audience to play for. Who wants to play for a bunch […]

too hip for this crowd

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I made a Kris Kross reference to some people today. They didn’t get it. I had to explain it. Now I’m all sad. Dude. It was not that long ago. Besides. Kris Kross totally gonna make you jump.

i was catching up on some of the blogs i follow, the other day, and it seems that andrew sullivan has begun some sort of search to find the “best” worst 80s video. i was lucky enough to happen to browse at just the right time to note his posting about bonnie tyler’s “Total Eclipse […]