the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in knitting


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so today was yarncon, which — i didn’t realize when i first heard about it — was actually organized by some friends. who knew? also, it was held at the Pulaski Park Fieldhouse, which is, … oh, a whopping three or four blocks from my house. i’d volunteered to be a Stitch Doctor, and help […]

The anti-Baudelaires

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No. I cannot give up. I am not a quitter. I am a winner. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Quitters also never have any goddamn socks! I frogged the purple Baudelaires because I was sick of being defeated by them. They were socks! I normally finish a pair of transit socks in like […]

and also very lazy, here’s an excerpt from an email i just sent to a friend: Although I did fetch my Baudelaires up out of the Naughty WIPs Basket again — I had to rip out what I had (about half) of the heel because I’d obviously lost my place a couple times running, and […]

am still, in fact, alive

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aiee! very, very bizzy lately. it’s good to be in french class again. i keep having weird mini-epiphanies as some bit of vocabulary that i’d forgotten pops back into my head. on the down side, i’ve lost command of what the tenses of verbs (beyond présent and passé composé) are called and what they’re used […]

as kim demands: i need to show off the loot from my SP! yesterday, as i wandered home from the bus, eyeing the slightly ominous clouds overhead (and mindful of the morning’s forecast calling for rain, which prompted me to take my umbrella to work), i paused to check my mailbox, whereupon i spotted: (Side […]