the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

who wants to see niqui’s new digs? clicky the linky!
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daily update

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new apartment = almost painted. every room’s walls are done, just leaving trim. bathroom, also almost livable now. kitchen, still a train wreck, but with potential to improve once i get the appliances pushed back into place.

old apartment = still not packed. also need desperately to do laundry. oh shit. oh well. i have a cheerful yellow kitchen and i *adore* it. so there!

sandal weather again

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sandal weather again
Thank goodness/Finally.

it's important to amuse yourself
When engaging in things that suck yet are completely mandatory, such as scrubbing one’s apartment, it’s important to stay upbeat. These two cleaning products were purchased just because the names amused me. C’mon, how do you /not/ skip boring old Pine-Sol in favor of FABULOSO?! (Kaboom, I should think, is self-explanatory.)

stop the madness!

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dear white sox:

i love you a lot, but i’ll love you a lot more if you stop with the sucking. seriously, kansas city?!?!?

criticism means i love you,

p.s. yes, i know we’re, like, barely done with the first week of the regular season. still doesn’t mean i wanna listen to either cleveland fans or cub fans, so pick it up a bit, ‘kay? thanks.