the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 05:31:36 -0500 (CDT)
From: Leslie Burch
To: Junji
Subject: Fwd: He was totally disoriented. Could I have five minutes to. Forgetting to make the quarterly property-tax payment is a
hell of a lot more serious than forgetting to change the calendar page, and youre upset
because this is the first time you forgot something that big. But there was still that
strong, hurtful moment of guilt — like a quick deep stab-wound. So this was Memory
Lane, was it? I thought of gagging you, but gags are dangerous, especially if youre taking drugs that
affect respiration. (“I dont know where he gets. He hoped he would be okay. I know how
to hurt you. Annie was not swayed by pleas. He crawled into the parlor and that was when
he heard the drone of an approaching motor. The first two blows had perhaps not gone
deep enough to do much damage, but this time the crosss support post went at least three
inches into the kneeling troopers back, driving him flat.

what i like the most about these spams is when all the chopped up bits make an actual sort of story. a cracky story for cracked-out crackheads, but a story nonetheless!

ahh… memory lane… when i forgot to pay the quarterly tax payment and was stricken by a guilt so hurtful that i thought i was being stabbed, but quickly had visions of much larger problems, so i felt better in the end, despite my — quite understandable, i think! — disorientation. (the obligatory spammy link takes one to a hoodia diet pill site. (what the hell is hoodia? it’s got a stupid name, whatever it is.) i find that to be somewhat of a letdown after a story about the angsty horror of modern existence, kidnapping and assault, hallucination, and homicide. i really feel that the least they can do with such a lead-in is to advertise some sort of horror book club. though i suppose book clubs don’t do such a very great business in spam, so i guess i’m doomed to disappointment.)

  1. wikipediafs hurt niqui’s brain. LiveJournal userinfo grumpy-sysadmin consoled me:
    martini for niqui
    hooray for martinis!
  2. i missed out on buying a ticket when they went on sale, and i passed up one opportunity to pick one up from someone trying to sell one, but then today another opportunity came up, and, going on the history of recent events — wherein upon denying myself something i wanted (but decided i couldn’t spare the cash for it) i received a parking ticket the next day — i ponied up and snagged a ticket for the radiohead show next monday at the auditorium theatre. so now i am poorer, but i will feel vindicated when i do not get a parking ticket tomorrow morning (or if i do, at least i know i have something to be pleased about).
  3. for those who have found me hard to schedule social things with, i am playing with Google Calendar, and have a publicly-available calendar now. i note a distressing lack of baseball in my immediate future. get to it, folks.
  4. my (real) mobile, which has been unworky for the past few days because in my proven-unreliable-yet-still-unavoidable optimism i trusted at&t cingular sbc at&t to do the right thing when i asked them to consolidate my mobile and landline phone bills, resulting in my cell phone being “cancelled” (!!!) and a many customer service agents-long adventure through phone trees, supposedly might be working again by tomorrow. (they said 24-48 hours yesterday, but it’s been 24 now and it’s still not back on, so i’m guessing they’re going to use up the entire window, if not more!) if you don’t have my other mobile number and need it, email me.
  5. am going to go see his latest vehicle tomorrow, mostly because while i am not a particular fan of Jack Black, i am a fan of seeing movies with friends. fortunately, going in to films with low expectations can result in not being too disappointed, so that’s what i’m hoping for here.
  6. Yarn Car. check it out. ’nuff said.
  7. i had to bring two changes of clothes to work today. two! one because of softball, and the other because i’m going to the cso right after that. this is a new changing-clothes-at-work record for me, thankfully.
  8. that is all.

my car is paid off*.

that is all. —
(* except for the part where the automatically-debited payment was $313.03 less than my normal car payment, whereas i had thought that i had exactly one full payment left, but i am going to leave looking at the invoices for when i get home and continue WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!! for now.)

From: Heath Patterson
Subject: Of sit go rattlebrained untenable extensive this baleful object presented itself to my view. I was very merry,
sound of which I thought had been borne towards me among the her with this discovery; but only said, I have not the heart to
In the back kitchen, I raved as became me. I went there, I down the hill. He told me, as soon as I came up with him, that
aspect had become morose, yielded to his better feelings, and underlet, and that I dont believe. The last man died here.

indeed. indeed.

perhaps what i shall do next is make up a pattern for a knitted car toy, to celebrate my car being paid off.

of course, the final car payment won’t go through until tomorrow, i don’t think, but nothing says i can’t start this evening if i feel like making something up. i have indigo blue yarn for the car body, dark grey for the tires, but i need silver/light grey for the rims and license plates… and not sure what color i should make the windows. (light grey was tempting, but then i thought about knitting in shapes for the seats, which are light grey, so that means the windows would have to be something else. i think i might have some white yarn, but i’m not sure. i definitely have some fisherman’s wool, so that might work. in my googling for car patterns, i didn’t find much help so i think i may be on my own here, but i did find this, which is vaguely amusing (though i’m not sure i’d want to go around with a VW logo on my head. i mean, i love my car and all, but, … a project! hooray for a project!