the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

i sent my laundry out.

i am so ashamed. … but! i am so strapped for time this week; i spent all weekend cleaning the apartment and ran out of time to do the laundry — yes, i could have changed loads in between doing other things, but that would imply that i had had someplace to sort the laundry out and fold it and stuff, and i really, really didn’t, so the laundry only got sorted at like 1900 last night and i was shooting for bed at 2000 since i have the 0600 shift today. i have an 0625 flight out of ORD on friday morning for a whirlwind weekend away, and i have lots of other things i could be doing other than folding socks. so. the dippy-named Sudz it is. at least i was able to find the inner strength of character to actually drive my own laundry to the laundromat instead of completely abdicating all responsibility to the magic laundry fairies. i seriously feel like the world’s biggest lazy slob, for paying someone else to do my laundry for me. but i had no *time* to do seven loads of laundry, and guys, it was getting dire. sure, i paid forty bucks for it, but this way i’m not going to spend every evening this week sneaking in a load of towels or whatever before i go to bed. and as an added bonus, they’ll probably be better able to get the cat fur off than my poor sad apartment washer/dryer can. … now that i have discovered their existence, i am finding it shockingly difficult to not sign up for the magic laundry fairies RIGHT NOW. (turns out, the fairies only charge you an extra shiny nickel per pound if they do the driving.) dude. i give them a key to my apartment, and they make my dirty laundry magically disappear and reappear clean, folded, and de-catfurred. how is this not the best idea ever? oh, god, i’m such a horrible person! someone take my debit card away!

  • Steely Dan
  • The Jackson 5
  • any 80s pop greatest hits compilations you happen to have on hand
  • Kaiser Chiefs
  • Barenaked Ladies

…but insofar as i care at all: nicely done detroit!

also, hooray for the comeback award-winning player in the #25 white sox pinstripes, jim thome!

very satisfying

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there are few things in this world which can parallel the simple sense of satisfaction when you realize that not only are you on track with the aggressive, specific credit card debt-eradication program you designed for yourself (spending about seven intensive hours sitting in front of Excel on a gorgeous Sunday) … but you’re actually slightly ahead by a couple hundred bucks.

(hey, yeah, it’s not much… but i prefer debt < $13000 to debt > $13000. yaaay, less debt!!)

i think i shall celebrate this by cancelling another regular expenditure, planting some (already bought) tulip bulbs in the front “yard,” doing some work around the house, making black beans for dinner in the crock pot for dinner (yum), doing some work on the colo, and maybe sacking out in front of the teevee knitting a little. i think this is an excellent plan. hooray for weekend!

oh dear god.

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the “let’s release any television show on DVD, no matter how bad” craze has officially gone too far: