the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

oh, thank *god*

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i had a very bad few minutes of shock this morning as, while going down the to-do list and paying various bills (man, i love quicken), i sliced off bits of my available (primary) checking account balance until it was not so very big. and then i thought to myself, “shit! what the hell did i do, that i have so little money left to last me the whole rest of the month?? i’m going to be eating nothing but ramen by the 20th!” and had several minutes of generalized omgwtfbbq angst.

and then i realized that i no longer work for an institution that pays me once monthly, and i get paid in a week. and much relief was had by all (especially the kitties, who worry a lot about where their next meal is coming from).


seriously, i know i worked there a long time and all, but of all the vestiges left remaining of that job, you’d think one of the easy ones to shake off would be the paid-monthly thing. my brain is obviously broken.

but: my checking account is not empty, and that is a GOOD thing.

i want this t-shirt. and this one.


stupid trying to save money. stupid not allowed to buy self nerdy t-shirts. stupid budget!

congratulations to boone logan, white sock number 57, who with that truly boneheaded error last night earned the inaugural spot on Niqui’s White Sox Shit List, Volume 2007.

for your prize, you win my wholehearted cheering for you to be sent not just back down to AAA Charlotte but down all the way to Little League, where perhaps you can learn to throw baseballs to the actual first baseman instead of to the imaginary one. but please try not to get beat up by the angry 12 year olds. they, unlike you, have control.


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i have white sox tickets for tonight’s game.

naturally, the weather forecast calls for 50-some degree temperatures, and thunderstorms at game time.


so it turns out

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that when you walk 12 or 13 miles or so, and you’re really really not interested in doing anything else that involves being on your feet for a while, that’s a good time to go through and post some pictures.