the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Today’s goals: Get registered for ice skating class, get to Sox game by first pitch, try not to strangle anyone due to choking resentment. #
  • Quads unbelievably pissed about hilly workout last night. For reals. #
  • My god, the line for skating lessons is UNREAL. I got here 15 mins early and i am number 166! #
  • They just told us to check the whiteboard THRU THE EVENING to check for classes to fill up. Evening?!?! #
  • My god. This is bedlam. Or possibly hell. #
  • I wonder if the parents would notice if i started tripping the little angels. #
  • I made it thru the signup line! Now i’m in the line to pay. Totally missing the first 2 innings at this point. #
  • Oh, and, i finished my book, so now i’m just trapped here in line with my exhausted patience. #

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sorry the blog has been so absurdly neglected (absent the odd moblog now and again) lately. have been somewhat busy this summer. also, twitter has sort of stepped into the role of delivering random missives from sabrina — anything i’d like to remark on, in 140 characters or less. i’ve just switched them around a bit so now rather than having the blog update twitter when i’ve blogged, twitter will update the blog with my tweets.

(ObSnarkyObservation: The pecular dialect of internet and especially Web 2.0 usage is getting more and more self-absorbed. I sincerely doubt that my grandmother could make sense out of that last sentence there, and she’s relatively tech-savvy.)

anyhoo. so some stuff got rearranged at work and i no longer have to wear the very large hat, which is both good and bad. (fewer meetings! less paperwork! lost opportunity to help mentor or guide people in their careers. surprisingly i am much more disappointed by the latter than i thought i would be.) i’ve seen a few movies, none of which have disappointed me yet (which is pretty good for your typical summer flick season). a couple weekends ago, watched the entire fourth series of doctor who in a weekend while knitting (got about 50 rows of lace done in those 11 or 12 or so hours, which is pretty good for me, especially considering i hadn’t quite gotten the pattern down and kept having to rip back 6 rows at a shot). gave very serious thought to buying a new pair of red chucks. did sufficiently punishing labor on the elliptical yesterday that my quads are pretty bitchy with me this morning. have continued to resist the siren call of the jesusphone (chiefly due to massive annoyance at apple’s being a complete dick about micromanaging everything about it) despite having old friends email me out of the blue for advice with theirs because they expect that i was in line on day 1. still like drinking coffee. so, in other words, status quo.

perhaps i shall have some more to say later, but as for now, today is v. busy, tomorrow is packing, thursday is roadtrip for a weekend getaway, and monday is return roadtrip. so we shall see.

  • Unexpected fire alarm! 13 flights of stairs down fraught with “is this a drill?” Exciting! #
  • Rick Santelli, why have you forsaken us?!?! #
  • Questionable shoe review: “…[these] Mary Janes, which despite their textured finish are both fully waterproof and bubblegum scented.” #
  • Am currently traumatized by stumbling across on public access tv. The show’s even worse than the site. #

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i am a good girl. i have a clothing budget and i try to stick to it. sometimes i fail but this month i have not yet failed. and i wanted SHOES. pretty, pretty shoeses. so i went shoe shopping on (who have never let me down in the arena of online shoe shopping). and i found a pair of shoes i loved and that i wanted to take home and pet and call them george and they were so cute and so wonderful and i loved them and i wanted them and i decided to go ahead and buy them and that is why in the two days i took to check over my budget and make sure i really wanted them they sold out.

3.5-in strappy oxfords with contrasting cap toe and t-bar and lovely sensible faux wood heel

are they not super fantastic?

and so i decided that i was not going to give up. i searched piperlime and nordstrom and macy’s and all of them had them but not in my size. and i grew despairing and wailed with impotent rage, until i found that … amazon apparently sells shoes. (seriously, who knew.) and they had my size! and they will arrive at chez niqui on tuesday!



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Dear White Sox:

Knock it off, you weenies. I am not amused by your continuing to lose like losing losers. Especially to the damn TWINKIES.

Argh. Minnesota! ARGH!!!

no love,