the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

badger badger dead badger!

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Let’s face it: any script kiddie with a pair of pliers can put Red Hat on a Compaq, his mom’s toaster, or even the family dog. But nothing earns you geek points like installing Linux on a dead badger. So if you really want to earn your wizard hat, just read the following instructions, and soon your friends will think you’re slick as caffeinated soap.

installing linux on a dead badger: user’s notes.

SETI@home finds ET?

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this fucking rocks.

An unexplained radio signal from deep space could — just might be — contact from an alien civilization, New Scientist magazine reported on Thursday.

The potentially extraterrestrial signals were picked up through the SETI@home project, which uses programs running as screensavers on millions of personal computers worldwide to sift through the huge amount of data picked up by the telescope.

this is way cooler than cracking rc5.

Oh, and…

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… and my moblog script is working again.

no, i changed nothing.

no, i cannot explain this.

everything is fuck!

we’ve all been there.

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it’s The Chronicles of George, everyone’s favorite utterly incompetent coworker.

This web site is a collection of helpdesk tickets gleaned from the support database of my previous job. I was employed there for twenty months, and during that time I had the misfortune of encountering an individual whom I will call George.

George is, quite simply, the worst helpdesk technician ever.

His grasp on the written word is shakier than a canoe full of epileptics. His knowledge of computers is thinner than a Vegas dancer’s chiffon underpants. He is, by all standards of intelligence, a rock.

It’s Time Once More…

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…for the Annual Mortgage Company Escrow Estimation Screw-Up.

this year, unlike years past wherein they have (a) overcharged me and (b) given me a refund, or (a) undercharged me and (b) required that i send them a check and/or (c) raised my payment, this year they (a) undercharged me, (b) demand a check for a smidge over $100, and (c) are reducing my monthly payment.

i fail to understand why they cannot get this right, considering that neither my home insurance nor my property taxes really change all that much year to year.

does everyone else’s mortgage company do this to them every year, or is mine the only one that’s incapable of arithmetic?