the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too


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so it has now been a week and a half since mirapoint^WcMail was rolled out. how has it been received? well, let’s see:

The Good
 — Steve Gabel, Associate Provost, said “…I could go on but the new email service is from my perspective the best ever.”
 — A student from my days back in the PSD, who stopped me in the Pub last .. Tuesday? and complimented me(us) on how well it went.
 — At least two people who have said, offhand, to me, “I didn’t notice anything; my mail just worked like normal.” this is possibly the highest praise from a non-webmail nsit mail user that I could ask for, as that’s exactly what it was supposed to do.
 — The Maroon wrote two actually pretty decent articles about cMail, including one plea to consider writing support with one’s feedback instead of simply bitching to one’s friends. Preach it!
 — Blogger Phoebe Maltz appears to like the fact that “[cMail] doesn’t look quite so much like”
 — wrote us a note and said they’d all been saying about us, “‘Wow. That’s moderately brave of them.'” I choose to interpret that in terms of “what would have been really brave would just have been to shoot anyone who complains that webmail is slow,” and thus it’s a commendation.

The Bad
 — Jonathan Cowperthwait’s cMail rant post in . Not necessarily his initial post — though that was certainly worth savoring at a time after we’d just worked our asses off for roughly 120 hours, with less than a normal night’s sleep therein, to make that general demographic quit telling us that webmail is slow — but the responses.
 — Various and sundry students insist on telling us things like “well, okay, but just so long as you know that the students are not happy with this!!!” Listen, I’m willing to accept that you speak for yourself, a group of your friends, maybe even an entire RSO, but I’m pretty sure that you don’t speak for all students. Especially the ones that wrote us to say that they kinda actually like cMail.
 — I am still not not-fatigued, which I blame on the stress and aggregate sleep-deprivation of the past month-to-six-weeks. which is getting really old, for the record, as I wish to have energy and initiative once more.

The Ugly
 — The gentleman who wrote to web services that “These [proposed new] design schemes are all ugly. All of it looks as if it was designed by a giant bureaucratic monster that eats children and spits them back out in bland colors and ugly typefaces.” Come on. That was just spiteful; you’re obviously not even trying to be constructive with that. If you don’t like email, fine, but don’t take it out on the web designers who are stuck working within the official approved university graphic identity blah de blah blah blah.
 — The Maroon‘s column in which it was ranted on, once more, about how NSIT had the gall to have a holiday party while email was down, during finals week, December 2002. Guys, none of the actual email systems people went to the party, because they were working on your email. And if the telecom customer service agents and the network engineers and the purchasing folks and the people who run the campus computer stores and everyone else but the five people who answered to wanted to enjoy the holiday party, they were allowed to do so.

something i find amusing — blogger Brian Hinkle remarked in his “Mirapoint Woes” post that “an nsit technician” — that would be me, ladies and gentlemen — “blogged extensively” on mirapoint. i was actually trying to be circumspect. perhaps even downright tightfisted with the gossip, was i! i mean, apart from my hate, which was not actually a blog post, and my sleep-deprived remarks about the migration weekend itself, i diligently refrained from bitching about much of anything mira-related at all, other than process or scheduling, on the blog. not that there weren’t things to bitch about. i was just trying to be nice, and prevent blog-drama (which was, it turns out, completely in vain, as the hates post resulted in at least one mirapoint-internal panty-bunching, a fact i find astounding considering the ratio of google hits on “mirapoint sucks” to, say, “exchange sucks,” and the relative lameness of that particular rant. i mean, if they were going to angst at me for not being all paper-hearts and puppies about the product, i totally should have made it worth angsting about. but i digress).

and also, i was withholding the gossip so that my on-campus friends outside of nsit would lure me to the pub and feed me beer in order to make me talk.

 Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 15:15:38 -0600 (CST) From: sabrina downard To: Beer Nite folks Subject: Hey buddy, can you spare a $40? X-Code-Word: Fabulous  So I had a dream last night.  I don't really remember much about it, but here are the high points:  . I was sitting at a bar with Johnny, and we were drinking some sort of   drink that was served in these wavy glasses, like the bottles that Pom   pomegranate juice comes in -- conveniently available at -- and apparently it was simply   *delicious*, because we kept ordering them. . This led to me paying for a round, which involved the discovery of all   kinds of interesting-denomination bills in my wallet.  There was a $25   bill and a $40 bill.  But my favorite was the $100, which carried a   notice printed in red on one side:  "Remember, they can't kick you out   of the hotel room until someone knocks."  Presumably, this was a public   service announcement from the U.S. Treasury, who always want to look   out for my hotel-being-kicked-out-of welfare.  Those guys are the   *best*. . Then there were more wavy-glass drinks. . That led, naturally, to visiting the ladies room, as drinks tend to   do.  Only this ladies room had aisle after aisle of stalls -- think   O'Hare -- containing what I affectionately refer to as 'attack   toilets' -- the ones that have motion-activated flushing apparati.   Except they were all stopped up, because someone had put paper towels   in them all.  I, being an engineer, wandered into the head, noticed   all the ladies waiting for the one working john, and then realized   that the paper towels were the root cause of this systemic failure.   Through the POWER OF MY MIND, the toilets all became unstopped,   because -- as we all know -- knowing is half the battle.  Thanks,   G. I. Joe! . On my way out of the ladies', I stopped and told everyone not to throw   paper towels in the john anymore, because they are just plain bad news,   and I am obviously very conscientious. . I then returned to the bar, where John and I resumed drinking our   fruity girl drinks in wavy glasses.  Therefore, I'm going to Kasey's after work today, where I intend to drink beer out of a straight-sided pint glass, and possibly visit the head, which does not have an attack toilet, although it does have a fake topiary.  You are all invited to join me. 

favorite fruits

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  • apples. specifically, gala, jonagold, granny smith, and jonathan apples, and some particularly good but uncommon varieties my local farmer’s market has during the summer. not so much yellow delicious, and red delicious only in an emergency situation.
  • green seedless grapes. seeded are out of the question, and i don’t particularly like red grapes of any seed state.
  • blueberries. unqualified. although i was really fond of the wild blueberries we picked out in the woods by a friend’s cottage on a house-sized island on a lake, in ontario, several years back.
  • things made with cranberries. not so much the actual berry.

i love you too!

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and the love flows freely

it’s a good thing i work here for the money.

oh, shit, wait …

(minor clarification: i’m actually, for a change, not whining. i find the livejournal thread pretty amusing, actually. and considering we had a group of, like, 14 people to convert over 28,000 people, and it’s working, … we rocked the house right the fuck out.)

email is the boss of me

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My Crappy Press Release.

i crashed — damn near literally, after i almost fell asleep sitting upright in my desk chair, listening to loud Franz Ferdinand — sometime around eight or eight-thirty or so. (i’m a little fuzzy on the details.) michael had, very planning-aheadingly, brought in sleeping bags and pillows, so i swiped one and shut my office door. i would never before have guessed that i could sleep on an essentially-bare poured-cement floor, but i suppose so long as you’re tired enough (and have a pillow), many things are possible.

people let me sleep, and i finally woke on my own around 13h10. nothing had significantly changed since i went to “bed,” i don’t think; the sendmail mess tang and i had been slaving over for days now was still not working right (and oh boy do i have to write about that at some point, because (a) the sendmail milter docs are BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD and someone is going to PAY, and (b) this resulted in the absolute most fucked-up crazyniquischeme i have ever been involved with (and they didn’t earn the name crazyniquischeme lightly). fortunately it’s only on the development machine; production is still status quo. which is still kinda broken (don’t get me started) but at least the mail is delivered.


we were waiting past midnight last night for a new rev of a product patch they wrote for us. turns out that the patch that they wrote to make the stupid thing syslog also resulted in random IMAP connection drops. and fortunately, as a pine user, i got to enjoy EVERY SINGLE LAST one of them, as when pine’s imap connection goes away, it doesn’t silently reconnect, it makes you re-open the folder. everybody using GUI clients didn’t notice, but it was making me batshit crazy all day thursday and friday. sometimes i’d go two hours without the connection dying; other times, it would die within five minutes of the last death. oh man. i’m glad they patched it. it is, however, unfortunate, that they decided to transfer the new version of the patch to us via e-mail yesterday . . . considering that the e-mail system was down. i think max was ready to leap through the telephone and bring the pain, at one point.

there was other shit going down, and i could continue to go on . . . but i really need to shut my face and get back to fixing broken shit.

i need some sleep.