Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 15:15:38 -0600 (CST) From: sabrina downard To: Beer Nite folks Subject: Hey buddy, can you spare a $40? X-Code-Word: Fabulous  So I had a dream last night.  I don't really remember much about it, but here are the high points:  . I was sitting at a bar with Johnny, and we were drinking some sort of   drink that was served in these wavy glasses, like the bottles that Pom   pomegranate juice comes in -- conveniently available at -- and apparently it was simply   *delicious*, because we kept ordering them. . This led to me paying for a round, which involved the discovery of all   kinds of interesting-denomination bills in my wallet.  There was a $25   bill and a $40 bill.  But my favorite was the $100, which carried a   notice printed in red on one side:  "Remember, they can't kick you out   of the hotel room until someone knocks."  Presumably, this was a public   service announcement from the U.S. Treasury, who always want to look   out for my hotel-being-kicked-out-of welfare.  Those guys are the   *best*. . Then there were more wavy-glass drinks. . That led, naturally, to visiting the ladies room, as drinks tend to   do.  Only this ladies room had aisle after aisle of stalls -- think   O'Hare -- containing what I affectionately refer to as 'attack   toilets' -- the ones that have motion-activated flushing apparati.   Except they were all stopped up, because someone had put paper towels   in them all.  I, being an engineer, wandered into the head, noticed   all the ladies waiting for the one working john, and then realized   that the paper towels were the root cause of this systemic failure.   Through the POWER OF MY MIND, the toilets all became unstopped,   because -- as we all know -- knowing is half the battle.  Thanks,   G. I. Joe! . On my way out of the ladies', I stopped and told everyone not to throw   paper towels in the john anymore, because they are just plain bad news,   and I am obviously very conscientious. . I then returned to the bar, where John and I resumed drinking our   fruity girl drinks in wavy glasses.  Therefore, I'm going to Kasey's after work today, where I intend to drink beer out of a straight-sided pint glass, and possibly visit the head, which does not have an attack toilet, although it does have a fake topiary.  You are all invited to join me.