i almost got hit by a car three times on my way to work today.
the first two times were as a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk with the light. the second time was as a person driving in the middle of three lanes at moderate speed when someone in the left lane decided to switch lanes — into the space i was already occupying. then, i got off lake shore drive and passed TWO smashups on the last mile to work, one of which was a three-car job! what the fuck, people! it’s not even a full moon! ATTENTION DRIVERS: YOU ARE OPERATING A MOBILE DEATH MACHINE. WATCH WHERE YOU’RE FUCKING GOING, ASSHOLES.i cannot count the number of people who have poked their heads in my office and remarked upon my choice of music today. nobody ever remarks when i’m listening to classical, or pop, or jazz, or dance, or hip-hop, or classic rock, or new wave, or any of the five thousand other genres i like to listen to. but thriller, apparently surprising. go figure.
for the first time in not long enough, i’m contemplating having to write my own sendmail ruleset(s) to accomplish some fuckery i can’t figure out a way to force sendmail to do on its own.
last time i did this, it took me a summer and the only thing that got me through it was promising myself that at the end of it all i’d go out to a firing range and shoot the living shit out of my bat book. … there’s got to be a better way.