the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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give Eamon money!

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my friend Eamon does this wacky thing every year. he always wears a mustache — except when he doesn’t. and he looks so sad and weepy without it! only money can help restore Eamon’s stache, happy demeanor, and self-respect… can’t you help? think of the kids!

Hey, all! If it’s November, it must be Mustaches for Kids time! I’ve signed on again as a Grower, bringing happiness, facial hair, and– most importantly– cold hard cash to the children of Chicago. For those who don’t know, Mustaches for Kids is an international volunteer-run organization whose chapters choose local children’s charities and raise both money and awareness for them through “Growers”– people like myself who have agreed to shave their faces and collect pledges from generous donors willing to sponsor 30 days of non-ironic corner-to-corner mustache growth.

As last year, we’re working to help the Off the Street Club (, Chicago’s oldest boys and girls club. Mustaches for Kids Chicago raised over $13,000 last year, and my own generous donors brought in an amazing $1,542– three times my original goal. This year, my goal is a staggering $2,000, and since the bar is set so high, Kay and I are going to put our money where my mustache was: if we hit our goal, Kay and
myself will double that with an additional $2,000.

Can you contribute? If everyone on my list could contribute just a dollar a day for 30 days of growth, we’ll nail the goal and possibly smash the all-time Grower record. Of course, any amount is appreciated, and anyone who
donates this year will get a SURPRISE GIFT from me! Plus, you can donate with just one click:

Since all donations are directly to Off the Street Club, it’s fully tax-deductible! And don’t forget: email me a copy of your receipt to receive your FREE GIFT!

In addition to the SURPRISE GIFT, I’m selling off the naming rights to my mustache just like last year: if you’re my top donor by midnight this Sunday (November 25th), you’ll be able to name my lip rug ANYTHING YOU WANT for the duration of the grow-a-thon. Whether you want a living memorial to your favorite pet, a plug for the name of your killer startup, or just want to burden me with yet another crude nickname, it’s up to you as long as we can print it on the website. Luc Garneau was the big winner last year with a $151 donation, squeaking past Jonathan Boudreaux and Christopher Czajka’s $150 donation, Price-is-Right-style– will it be as cutthroat this year? It’s in your hands!

I know some of you are still asking: is this for real? The answer: yes. A horrible, horrible yes. The proof:




Photos can be faked of course, so here’s video of me getting shaved, as filmed by the fine people at CBS News Chicago:

There you have it: photographic evidence of my commitment. And now that you know that I’m in: are you? And always remember: the mustache is just a heart you wear on your face. Made of hair. And combable.

Eamon “Stache Gordon” Daly
Grower, Mustaches for Kids 2006, 2007
Winner of the Abe Frohman Award 2006

PS: since you were so patient with this email, here are some incredibly embarrassing photos and an even more bizarre video from last year’s Stache Bash:

And feel free to forward this to your friends, your co-workers, and your worst enemies– I have no shame!

you know…

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i think i’m sufficiently worldly in the ways of the internet that not much really surprises me, but this Megan Meiers thing both shocked me and really upset me.

what horrible, horrible, horrible people are these people to create a fake myspace account for the specific purpose of tormenting a depressed child? to incite others to join in on “the joke”? and then to disclaim guilt when she hangs herself in her closet, because it’s not really your fault because she was already depressed? what sort of vile person must you be?

i don’t think i even want to know.

2005 World Champions die hard, baby.