the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

So today’s class was Urban Growth, and the class’s topic was on water — availability and the lack thereof. Among other things, we watched a film called The Last Drop: Is the World Running Out of Water?.

My first reaction: hell-o, I had no clue that water availability was such an issue in the Israel/Palestinian conflict. No clue. None. Had never even occurred to me. …probably because I live next to an enormous (one might even say “great”) lake chock full of it and have never really given it much thought at all. So, consider me educated on that point, ouch.

Second reaction, on the topic of Namibia’s water conservation efforts, coupled with heavy beef exports to the EU: I’m pretty sure I read that book, except it took place on the Moon and what was being exported was grain.

After the film we had a group discussion about the issues, and one of my classmates got really riled up about how we, who have so much fresh water, could be exporting it. She kept talking about why don’t we just pipe Lake Michigan west, if LA needs it? (She also thinks that her tap water should be free, because apparently the pipes and pumps and so forth to get it to her condo from the lake don’t require any further capital outlay or operational maintenance funds, but whatevs.) Or why don’t we build huge pipelines to take water to Namibia or Egypt or Palestine, if they’re so in need? All I could see with that was — totally apart from the infrastructure buildout issues, which I think are not exactly trifling matters — hello, security? Yeah, sure, let’s pipe Lake Michigan to Egypt and solve all their problems. I’m sure the fact that a small squad of armed nutjobs with a hand grenade could take out an entire country’s water supply is a minor one. Seriously, all I could think of were all the security implications of piping water in to a location. Your pipeline goes through Iran — let me introduce you to your former neighbor, now your new blackmailer, who can now make you do whatever they like! And better not piss off any rebels, because boy, won’t you look foolish when you’ve built up this huge urban area thanks to your ample new water supply, and suddenly said water goes away thanks to that nutjob with a hand grenade? Russian oil pipeline melodrama is nothing, compared to a single supply of drinking water. Oy. And talk about a single point of failure… sheesh.

It seems to me that creating a massive dependency on transporting fresh water is a bad, bad, bad idea. I mean, it’s a lovely idea, but a stupid one. Sure, go ahead, trade it on the free market like oil — I’m sure everyone in Africa won’t mind driving giant tanker ships across the ocean to Atlanta to pick it up. Desalination in situ for short-haul transport is the only thing that makes sense to me. (Hello, oceanfront property values!) Pity no one seems to have invented an inexpensive desalination technique. Hey, people complaining about lack of industry and innovation — I just gave you a free idea for your new startup! Go, invent cheap and effective desalination! You’ll be rich AND you’ll broker peace in the Middle East!

In other news, after seeing many images of people hauling buckets around, I now feel guilty for every time I wastefully ran through a sprinkler as a kid. Stupid Lake Michigan, stupid Illinois River, you jerkfaces with your easy availability and non-salt contamination. Jerks!

  • Posting that huge freaking essay on my blog has made me think about changing the colors to less glarey ones. Or I’m just getting old. #
  • I really like the grubhub “request no napkins/plastic tableware” option to cut down on wasteful excess forkage. #
  • Yikes. I just spent, srsly, like 4 hours in total composing that blog post, not counting the research finding links. Hope someone reads it. #
  • My heroes got significantly less heroic once I called and they said their delivery guy wasn’t in yet and so they can’t deliver ’til 11. Boo. #
  • I found someplace in Chinatown that delivers starting at 8AM on Sundays! They are my new heroes! #
  • I wonder if anyone delivers Chinese around here at 8AM. Starving! #

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Fair warning: If you are prone to tl;dr, you might want to skip this one.

So, the other day, in my Organizational Communications class — for which the homework was, as usual, some seriously dry chapters to read (seriously, guys, you could not have made this textbook drier if you’d buried the manuscript in an arid desert, or perhaps on the Moon, for forty years before publishing), but also as usual turned into an interesting discussion — we talked about diversity in the workplace, and integrating cultures therein. One of the questions our group was assigned to discuss and do a short presentation to the class about was this:

On the basis of the descriptions of the four different age groups provided in the chapter (Traditionals [Greatest/Silent Generation], Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials) what sort of problems do you anticipate occurring as these different groups interact in the workplace? What sort of advantages of opportunities exist in combining people from these different groups in one department?

The descriptions they referred to encapsulated each generation with a short blurb on birthdates and some tendencies they embody plus the feelings they hold toward others. One other woman in my group and I sort of took over the group discussion and talked about our perspectives; she, the Boomer, and I, the Gen Xer. As it happens, I have pretty pronounced opinions on the topic of Boomers and GenXers, which I know will come as a massive surprise to all of you reading this blog.

continue reading…

  • I think the best way to handle this weekend is pretend I’m working. At lunch now, I get off (home)work at 6. #
  • Just spent 5 mins playing with Lendrum fast flyer and a handful of merino top – ah, so that’s what singles for 2 ply laceweight look like. #
  • I hereby suggest as a hashrag for our forecast snowstorm: #snowpocayawn. ‘Cos #imfromchicago. #

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  • I felt obliged to be profound in my 5000th tweet, but all I’ve got is: I really want a cupcake! #
  • Well, this is 100% pure entertainment: #
  • I have just learned that bananas are supposed to be great hangover cures. So THAT’s how you can improve upon perfection. #
  • Having massive, absolutely massive, fiber arts withdrawals. Your pal niqui badly needs copious free time. #
  • Especially a pet peeve: DVDs which unskippably announce, “Season 2 on sale in June!” What June? June 5 years ago? June 2048? What? #
  • At what point does piracy sound like the sensible path? #
  • Really amused by catching up on everyone’s ice skating commentary from last night, this morning. Many @tzikeh-related lulz! #

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