the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

… as i grocery shop at peapod online, after taking care of most of a bottle of cabernet sauvignon.

* niqui is not certain that drunk is the best time to be filling out a peapod shopping order.
<niqui> apparently what /me really wants right now is pie, based on her cart.
<wasy> PIE!
* niqui beams.

also, i like mocking the more stupid products. like “Green Giant Just for One Broccoli & Cheese Sauce.” perhaps i am extraordinarily gifted in the culinary arts, but i have to say: i’ve never really had all that much trouble with preparing broccoli for one that i’ve had to actually special-order a “just for one” product. i pretty much get the bag of frozen broccoli out of the freezer, put it into a bowl until i have achieved sufficient broccoli for my dinner, put the bag back in the freezer, and then put the bowl in the microwave. it’s not hard. i am just not convinced why i should pay $4.49 for four servings of broccoli and cheese (why do people think broccoli requires cheese? this also mystifies me).

oooh! they have a sale on kraft macaroni and cheese dinner! brb!

the twelve dollar commute

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this morning’s commute:

  • leave house at 0855 (aka “35 minutes before i have to be at work,” aka “slightly before normal time”). entertain fantasies about arriving early to work. hahaha, poor stupid niqui.
  • arrive at el stop at about 0903. get cup of coffee from the dunkin’ donuts built into the division stop.
  • walk down to the nearly empty — except for a woman with three boisterous toddlers, and one cranky hipster — platform. put down coffee; take out knitting. mentally weigh how much knitting will be accomplished before the train arrives; decides it’s worth it even if it’s only half a row. begin knitting the last row of the first orange stripe.
  • complete orange stripe. o’hare train arrives; departs. begin purple stripe.
  • o’hare train arrives; departs at 0920. complete purple stripe. begin orange. wonder, “where is the train?” stare at all the people now on the platform, mourning in advance my inability to find a seat so i won’t be able to knit on the train.
  • complete orange stripe. another o’hare train comes and goes. the boisterous toddlers are now sitting forlornly on the platform. begin purple stripe. a loop-bound train arrives! but it is full, and no one is able to board. it is now 0930.
  • put knitting away as a second loop train arrives several minutes after the first, anticipating being able to board this one, but alas, it is full too, and again only a handful of people can squeeze on. get knitting back out. complete purple stripe.
  • at 0939, begin red stripe. complete one row. get disgusted, have a 10AM meeting that am now in danger of missing, so leave el station and get in a cab.

gotta love that CTA rapid transit that is neither rapid nor transitty (but it certainly is CTA)! i want my two dolla back!

did make it to my meeting on time. and got knitting in. the funny part (!?) is that while i was standing on the platform knitting, i was mentally composing a blog entry about the virtues of subway knitting: i cast that sock on this past weekend, without much hope of progressing much on it, but i’ve gotten nearly all of the cuff done just on my commutes this week. so yeah, you have to juxtapose the pain of repeatedly poking the left index finger with sharp, pointy needles, not to mention dropping stitches (naturally while knitting in dark purple) on a dim, dirty, unlit subway platform and then trying to pick them up before they fall down sixty rows against “dude! i got like four inches done on my sock this week without even having to try!” of course, then the CTA found a way to transmute the lead of my tolerant amusement into golden fury, so, you know… go them. socks are the ideal subway knitting, though, i think. two circs, doesn’t take much room, not really much pattern, so you don’t have to think about it… you can do it in dim light situations, you aren’t going to have to stress out too much about a pattern. plus, if i can knit six inches in a week’s commuting, then i can turn heels over weekends, and get a sock done in two weeks! how awesome is that? still, i hope the blue line can get its ass in gear tonight for my ride home. seriously. i can do without the 40-minute waits for a 10-minute train ride.

bye bye, neal!

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The White Sox sent left-hander Neal Cotts to the Cubs in exchange for right-hander David Aardsma and Minor League pitcher Carlos Vasquez.

of course, my coworker the cubs fan tells me “yeah, have fun with aardsma,” so we’ll see. for now, i’m just grateful we shuffled off the lead weight of Neal “I enjoy causing sabrina pain!” Cotts’ “mad skillz.”

oh my gosh. the post office’s and my schedule finally coincided and i was able to stop by and claim my parcel… which did indeed turn out to be from my wonderful secret pal!!


(image heavy post, squeeing behind the jump.)
((and i’m serious: there’s a lot of squeeeee!))

continue reading…

a weekend’s work

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so i haven’t been updating as frequently as i normally do, and we’ll get to the reasons behind that later, but i wanted to post some stuff.

first, i got my spinning wheel a couple of weeks ago — yay! — and it’s way, way, way faster than using my drop spindle! i’ve spun several skeins worth of 2-ply yarn. my drafting’s getting better, more even, but still these skeins are pretty thick-and-thin. oh well. i’ll get better. i plied together a skein saturday morning and then ran it off on the swift into a skein. then i made a critical error in judgement: i hung it up where the cat could get it.

Skein blob
yeah. he apparently pulled it down and then dug around in it. i’m not sure why. he leaves my yarn alone 99% of the time, he hasn’t gotten into my roving… but this skein he thought needed to be punished. fortunately i found him before he really got going, but still, i spent over an hour detangling it and i’ve still only got like 1/2 to 2/3 of it done. and the new skein is going to be full of splices, since i keep having to cut it. blah. sigh. 150-some meters of yarn, probably five hours of work, taken down by the cat in less than five minutes. sigh. and then i have to show you this too. i got started making clogs from the fiber trends pattern. here’s the first one, almost complete (i haven’t finished the second sole). (to give you an idea of scale, that blue thing it’s lying on top of is the pattern, an 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper — that’s a women’s medium size, and it’s got to be at least 14 inches long! it’s HUGE!)
Enormous clog
this would have taken me a lot less time if i hadn’t had to rip out the entire insole, twice!! the first time, i was probably about 7 rows from the end, and realized i had gotten off-center and i had too many stitches on the needles. the second time i was probably 10 or 11 rows from the end, and had just a couple more stitches on the needle, so i tried to rip back only until where the mistake was, but i couldn’t really find it, so i gave up and ripped back the entire way. argh. finally, i got it all the way done. which is good, because i was really getting a little cranky about the entire situation. it’s not that hard of a pattern to justify so much confusion… actually, i think i just lost track of which lines i was on, so the third time i was really anal about keeping track and counting stitches obsessively, so that worked out. i hope future clogs will only take me a few hours each, instead of a few hours times three! and finally, i cast on for my second stripey sock. i’m going to go drag that around with me to try knitting on the subway, since today’s an early day. normally i really like the idea of knitting on the subway, in theory, but it all depends on what time of day i’m commuting because i have to be working the 6 or 7AM shift just to be reasonably assured i can get a seat; if i’m working the 9:30 shift i’m lucky if i can squish onto the train at all as by the time it gets to division it’s often already packed with standing commuters. it’s one of those situations where, like, “dear CTA: i recognize that your advice to standing passengers to not lean on the doors is probably wise, but really, you’re not giving me much of a choice here when you run trains every 15 minutes during rush hour. i’m lucky the damn doors haven’t ever closed on my bag. sincerely, sabrina.” anyways, today it’ll be important to have time-killing knitting with me even when not on the subway, as the plan is to go by the post office after work, as i got a pink slip in my mailbox the other day informing me that there’s a parcel waiting for me! perhaps it might be a … secret-pal shaped parcel? i hope so! i’m so excited! if it’s, like, a box of checks, i may demand the post office people take it back and give me something better. :)