the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

Scott Merkin:

Friday’s trade of Tadahito Iguchi to Philadelphia will be viewed by many as difficult to understand, with a valuable starting second baseman being moved out in exchange for a Minor League hurler whose current biggest claim to fame is being the son of the Phillies’ pitching coach.

…you think?


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i was stuck with MS3, where i couldn’t complete rows in the 60s without error and I had to fall back to my lifeline on row 61 so many times… then I finally got past that roadblock on Wednesday, made it all the way up to 79 before getting distracted by something shiny, then today I picked it up again and made it to 85, whereupon I stopped to admire my work, spread it out and admired the pretty pattern and how all the nice yarnovers made such neat… lines… hey… wait a second… dammit!

i don’t know what i was doing in the second half of row 75, but it was NOT the pattern as written. it was not just, like, one missed yarnover. it was, as michael suggests, a freestyle jazz interpretation of the patterns, with yarnovers and decreases sprinkled wherever I had felt they might like to go. Or something. At any rate, it was completely, utterly, and egregiously wrong. The only way it could have been more wrong would have been if I had randomly picked up another ball of yarn and started knitting from it instead.

Maybe I should have continued knitting after drinking. I would really feel better about frogging 15 rows if it was because of drunkknitting instead of some sort of random dumbassery.

MS3, trapped forever on Chart B

So depressing. At the rate I’ve been making progress on this project, that’s about 3 hours of work I just wiped out. I’m never going to make it to Clue 2. :( Meanwhile, everyone else is up at row 300-whatever and can’t wait for the next clue to come out. I could seriously just cry.


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It occurs to me, belatedly, that after 2/3 of a bottle of Australian Shiraz is probably not an ideal time to get more rows done on my Mystery Stole 3.


OTOH, it does make both (a) shopping on Peapod and (b) cleaning out my closet much more entertaining.


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finished HP7 a half hour or so ago. only one non-spoilery comment for now: less traumatic than SK’s Dark Tower book 7. probably good, considering it’s a children’s book rather than an adult novel. :P

what to do today?

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found this when walking in to the living room this morning: a cat napping using a bump of my new fiber for a pillow. obviously my failure to put it away last night paid off in cute photo opportunities — at least, until i accidentally woke him up:

Kiyoshi napping on pink spinning fiber

and speaking of that fiber, it’s spinning up nicely, on the lovely new Louët:

singles on the new Louet wheel

but spinning more of it shall have to wait, as the post lady just rang my bell and brought me a little pressie from across the pond:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows