the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

so, recently i managed to finally get myself out of credit card debt. about 7 years ago, i took on two major expenses — i bought a new 2001.5 Volkswagen Passat GLS sedan, and i bought my mother a house in rural texas. then about a year later, my personal circumstances dramatically changed and, suddenly, i no longer had piles upon piles of spending money. this did not stop me from spending money, especially since i had a new apartment with very little in the way of pots, pans, dishes, or bath towels in it. courtesy of ikea, bed bath and beyond, and the like, within a year, my credit cards, which i had always scrupulously paid off at the end of each month, had a scary balance. i was so broke, in fact, that despite the fact that i knew, within six months of moving in, that my new apartment was both (a) too big and (b) too expensive, i couldn’t afford to move because i didn’t have the money for a security deposit, much less movers. it took me another year of money manipulation to come up with that cash, and in that time, i wound up cashing out both my (small) Roth IRA and my (larger) 401(k) from a former employer, taking huge hits on early withdrawal penalties and also losing out on years worth of appreciation. six years later, i’m out of credit card debt and have only recently managed to save as much for retirement as i had back then. so, this is my story.

End of … Things charged Payments made In service of debt Obligation Difference Notes
2001 not recorded not recorded not recorded $4,344.48 +$4,344.48 Quicken: The early years
2002 not recorded not recorded not recorded $6,416.36 +$2,071.88  
2003 $12,958.46 $10,769.21 $0 $9,646.21 +$3,229.85 Math, so hard…
2004 $11,156.91 $9,772.90 $0 $10,830.22 +$1,184.01
2005 $12,689.50 $10,046.36 $0 $12,474.29 +$2,644.07 Noticing a trend in that “servicing of debt” column?
2006 $9,961.98 $13,033.56 $3,071.58 $10,249.71 -$3,224.58 Heyyy…
2007 $25,288.71 $35,568.69 $14,112.86 $1,634.77 -$8,614.94 So, you see, if you send more than you spend, you might actually get somewhere…
1/19/2008 $711.90 $2,346.67 $1,364.77 $0.00 -$1,634.77
TOTALS $63,997.58 $72,982.03     $8,984.45  

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stupid january. you are the longest month.

so i turned 30 today

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that was anticlimactic.

debate bla bla bla

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so, watched the NH debates last night, natch. (OT: “1 Night 2 Parties” thing, too close to “2 Girls 1 Cup.” more internet-savvy proofreaders for you guys, ABC!)

tuned in a bit late to watch all of the republican debate, but got in most of it. damn, everybody is on the “smack down romney” train now, aren’t they? i think they were all just waiting for the moderators to turn their backs so they could leap over their desks and eat him. (well, except fred thompson, who appeared to be stoned and/or asleep at at least a couple of junctures. i keep reading comments in which people say “wow, he did well last night!” and i have to wonder if that was in the first half of the debate, which i missed, because in the parts that i watched, he was all short answers and hardly spoke up at all. in fact, there was one part where i cracked up because someone asked him a direct question about the profits of oil companies and he just said, “Well, I take note of those profits, and I take note of the losses when they’ve had them,” and immediately clammed up again for a couple of seconds before someone prompted him some more.) and except ron paul, who was rather agilely avoiding direct attacks at people and was instead ripping apart policy. i have to say, i quite enjoyed when paul went off on the whole “tamperproof ID for illegals” issue. he really hasn’t got a prayer (pun! ha! i so funny.) but it’s nice to see someone out there espousing reasonably civil-libertarian views. the problem with paul is, as D. pointed out, he sits there and points out the problems, especially with what his opponents are proposing, but says very little as to how he would solve them. john mccain did better than i had expected from him — having been expecting him to have a whole crazy breakdown for a while, i was disappointed when i only got a few mad cackles about Mittens. actually, there was a lot of cackling at Mittens. it must suck to be up there at a podium and not only half the country doesn’t wanna listen to you, but your compadres are all one-upping each other on who can oh snap! you best. if he weren’t so smug, i’d almost feel sorry for him.

side note: i want a nickel for every time any candidate said something about what “voters right here in new hampshire!!” want. dude, there are 14 people who live in new hampshire, and the only reason the rest of us let them hold first-in-the-nation primaries is because it’s frigging cold there and we don’t want to have to live next door to police standoffs with the crazy tax evaders. (p.s. i’ve been to your state. it’s very nice. you should pay your taxes so it continues to be so; otherwise, you will end up with michigan. thxu!)

i went into debate overload at some point during an edwards response in the second half of the democratic debate, and had to make the nice tivo save the rest of it for me to watch later. (haven’t yet. but: YAY TIVO. 8-second rewind, best thing ever for live debates!) damn, john edwards gets a fire lit under his ass sometimes, doesn’t he? dude was pissed about people working hard, sacrificing for their kids, and not having health insurance. (strategic cuts to elizabeth, in the audience, not looking so well, as can be expected. sad. :( ) also, just as it was “beat up on Mittens” night at the GOP table, it was pretty “IDK, my BFF John?” night on the Dem side. everybody was all “i love john edwards and we have cosy fireside chats ALL THE TIME!” were they going to do yearbook autographs after it was over? obama seemed a little off his game, he was answering well but some of the polish was off. not sure what was up with that; perhaps he was tired. whatever, he’s dreamy enough that it only makes us love him all the more. hillary was alternating between defensive and attacking, with very little middle ground, though her remark about “well, that kind of hurts my feelings” when asked how she would overcome her perceived unlikeability problem was, i thought, rather charming and humorous instead of coming off as pitiful or offended, so that was a win for her.

also, fyi charlie gibson: at a table with three senators and one governor, you need to stop calling on individuals with just the word “Senator,” ‘cos nobody knows which one you are talking to.

i did like the relative hawkishness on the Dem side on the idea of nuclear proliferation. richardson was pretty typically “diplomacy first, bitches!” which was nice to hear as well, but everybody seemed pretty much “you don’t get to have nukes if you are crazy and either harbor or are bad people, for we are still big and powerful and will take you out.” i was a little surprised it got as much of the conversation as it did, actually, since i don’t think “how will you militarily take down baddies” is a traditionally Democratic callout. and i think everyone did pretty well with the “you guys all said ‘no surge,’ yet violence is down, so you were totally wrong, weren’t you?” responses. violence down == good, still stuck there == bad. other than that, it seemed a lot like “my change is changier than yours!” i wasn’t really inclined to change any of my support, though i was reminded of why i like bill richardson.

so, in summary: republicans want to either throw mexicans out of the country or charge them rent, give us spiffy national ID cards, cut taxes, eat Mittens; democrats want to go get bin laden, change things up, and make us all get health care in one way or another. nobody wants to touch social security with a ten-foot pole. cast your votes now — time is running out!

in response to a copy of this email which i received this evening, i finally had enough of the forwarded, no research, slanderous, nasty and small-minded political crap (think: HILLARY IS GOING TO MAKE US ALL LESBIAN COMMIES!!!!!!!) that my family sees fit to fling at me. it’s rare for me to fling back Christian rhetoric at someone, not least because i consider myself agnostic, but dammit, this shit really pisses me off, especially when it’s done in the name of Christ, who sounds like he could have been a pretty nice guy, all things considered.

Actually, Obama’s middle name is Hussein, not Mohammed; he’s Christian, not Muslim; the church web site clearly says that “It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people” and that is why they celebrate a shared black background, not that white (or purple or pink) people are not allowed; the web site further states (at, in direct response to the Hannity and Colmes show) that “African-centered thought, unlike Eurocentrism, does not assume superiority and look at everyone else as being inferior” which rules out that claim that the church is racist; I worked for the same University he taught at and lived in the same Chicago south side community, Hyde Park, he lives in, we probably even shopped at the same grocery store because there was only one in Hyde Park, and he had a good reputation as a kind man; and for the record, I plan to vote for him.

As for the middle name issue. Barack Obama’s middle name being Mohammed, or Hussein, or Fredericka De Ville is about as relevant to the Presidency of the United States of America as my cat’s name. My middle name is Lee, but that doesn’t mean I support Robert E. Lee and want the Confederate States of America to rise again. A name is just something our parents stuck us with.

I find this sort of message to be not just personally depressing but un-Christian in its judgmentalism and untruth, and I think if you re-read it you might see why I feel that way. It’s not up to us to judge. XXX, I love you, but please don’t forward me emails about politicians anymore. It upsets me to read messages like this from people I love and respect. I am basing my support of candidates on what I see and hear them say directly, not something I get third-hand from some author on the Internet somewhere who is too frightened to sign his own name to it. And one of the reasons I’m voting for Obama is because he’s not spreading malicious lies about the other candidates, and is genuinely turning the other cheek.


this is after i sat through watching Mike Huckabee tonight, whining about how Mitt Romney is mean and horrible and so on and so forth, and yesterday watched both Huckabee and Obama on “Face the Nation” from the other day — a broadcast in which every single damn time the interview tried to get Obama to say something nasty about Hillary Clinton, he not only did not do so but talked about his platform in the context of the question and how he would improve things.

for all the focus on christianity and religion it has, i think this election cycle could use a little less christianism and a little more Christlike behavior.