the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

Dear Apartment Leasing Jerkfaces:

Guys. Seriously. I meant it.

still no love,


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Dear Gary, Indiana:

Man, I’d like to buy you all a drink. 95% voter turnout? THAT SHIT IS BAD. ASS.

Also, way to pull out the last-minute edge-of-our-seat electoral excitement. :)


Dear Apartment Leasing Agent Jerkfaces:

24 hours’ notice to me that you are going to be showing strangers around my apartment is not just a good idea, it’s the law. It’s not like you don’t have two phone numbers and an email address for me!

Stupid jerkfaces.

no love,

10. The intermittant sounds of things falling, inside the walls of my office, making me wonder if today is the day the plaster will all fall apart.
9. First-Tuesday and First-Wednesday street cleaning parking restrictions.
8. The neighbor with the filthy kiddie pool of water they haven’t dumped out for like 2 years which is probably festering with mosquito larvae as I type.
7. People having loud, foul-mouthed shouting arguments on the sidewalk. For hours.
6. The truly astounding amount of junk mail I get here. It’s unreal.
5. Noisy-ass neighbors with huge stereos and subwoofers (in cars, or houses) playing crappy music.
4. Stairs.
3. The emphatically non-watertight mailbox that means every time it rains, my mail is a sodden mess.
2. The drafty drafts of draftiness.

Changed over my DSL service to the new apartment today. It went entirely too easily — no attempts to upsell, I get to keep my same equipment, no installation fees, no insistance that I must have a landline (…which, as I explained, “I [will] never, ever, ever, ever ever” use), no X-month contract, I’ll be paying $15 less per month for, seriously, like 10x faster speeds, they’ll get it provisioned next Friday, the 9th of May…

I fully expect that by the time I get home tonight, my existing phone and DSL will have been disconnected. There’s no way it was that easy. This is AT&T we’re dealing with, after all.