the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

nonetheless, there’s apparently a bit of a new election-time voter registration scandal, just in time to reassure us all of the validity of the system:

Some 46,000 New Yorkers are registered to vote in both the city [of New York] and Florida, a shocking finding that exposes both states to potential abuses that could alter the outcome of elections, a [New York] Daily News investigation shows.

Registering in two places is illegal in both states, but the massive snowbird scandal goes undetected because election officials don’t check rolls across state lines.

… The News found that between 400 and 1,000 registered voters have voted twice in at least one election, a federal offense punishable by up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

meh. i guess i can’t really be bothered to care much about a thousand shitheads who are trying to be sneaky. i mean, yeah, fine them — i’m sure we can use the money — but i guess i just don’t see a whole big scandal about this.

of course i’m not without sneaky thoughts myself; i have considered registering to vote in texas instead, because sometimes i think that it would be more useful to vote on local issues there that affect the land that i own (taxes, etc), rather than voting for which idiotstick alderman is going to complain about wal-mart here next. i didn’t consider voting twice, though. see, i’m too inefficient and not nearly ambitious enough; i never think about the big picture! just think about the things i could achieve with one whole extra vote!


ftr, i do think it would be nice if you could have, say, a “local-only” alternate vote option, so that i could vote in federal elections only in one place, but then i could vote state and municipally anywhere i have residence. that would make me happy. not that it’ll ever happen.

okay, friday night wasn’t so much renaissance. but lots of the rest was.

saturday, had to get up early because dnereverri, pxr5, cosmicdolphin, and i were going up to renfaire, a short jaunt north, and i’d agreed to drive, which entailed driving south to hyde park, then out to oak park, and then up to wisconsin.

getting up at 6:30 was kinda rough on only three hours’ sleep. at least i wasn’t particularly hung over.

got up there right around ten. got complete rock star parking: i mean they waved us up to the very front of the parking lawn. i don’t know if they gave us rock star parking because we were all dressed in garb or what, but the only other people getting out of cars in the rock-star rows were also in garb, so maybe so! it was a pleasant surprise, anyways.

then we sort of puttered around the faire all day, mocked the awful accents, chortled that sticks makes food better (but, oddly, had no food on a stick), bought some things, and wandered around some more. sat around in pxr5’s much-adored — deservedly so — sky chairs for half an hour or so, which was really pleasant and relaxing, even if it did inspire jealousy in me of those who have load-bearing rafters to which they can bolt such chairs, instead of apartments where the management would probably disapprove of such modifications.

found some really pretty pottery bowls, of which i bought a set of four from one of the vendors. they’re the perfect size for soup, or something like a cucumber salad. i’m very pleased to have found them. and the price was even reasonable. yay pretty dishes!

i also picked up a drop spindle from a spinning shop at the faire. i had then and have now every intent to send it to kcraigs as a gift (though not a very surprise one, considering she reads this blog and now i’ve just blown it), but, you know, the lady, she gave it to me with a couple of hanks of wool to play with, so i started playing with it a little today and spun a little bit because, i mean, it was sitting there taunting me. kiyoshi found the drop spindle to be sufficiently interesting that he needed to be within five feet, but scary enough to not get any closer. this yarn was slightly more uniform in width than the last stuff i made, but i can’t say it was any more speedy or less prone to getting too twisted or not twisted enough. alas.

but that was only an interim activity. no, i spent my day cleaning — until i got bored, which was pretty early on, in fairness — and then i made the soap i started earlier this week, and then i made perfume.

the soap ended up being a lemongrass-palmarosa blend, of which i colored half yellow and the other half a dusty rose, then swirled. the EOs accellerated the trace a bit so it ended up a really thick mix and i’m not sure how the swirl will turn out. it smells really good, though.

but this was not enough thingmaking for me today, and i thought that the amber and copal — that i got at the faire yesterday for incense — sitting on my kitchen counter smelled so good i would see if i could make perfume out of them somehow. so i did. yay me:

3/4 tsp. copal
3/4 tsp. honey amber

crush copal and amber in mortar and pestle, then add 1/2 tsp. of blend (resembles damp sand, and is sticky) to:
10 grams jojoba

to this, add:
9 drops sandalwood (santalum album) essential oil
9 drops ylang-ylang II essential oil
9 drops jasmine absolute
3 drops rose otto

separately, melt together
90 grams beeswax
90 grams shea butter
80 grams jojoba

when oils are melted, remove from heat and allow to cool until they start to set up. add jojoba-resin-EO mixture to the oil mixture. transfer to a mixing bowl and use a whisk attachment on a hand mixer to whip to a light consistency — may need to put bowl in refrigerator to help cool more to whip in more air.

fills most of two 4 oz. jars. or maybe they’re 3 oz jars, i’ve forgotten.

anyways, it smells really, really good. at least, i think so.

so, spinning wool, renfaireing, making soap, and making perfume. it was a very Renaissance weekend!

MP3 is hard.

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The trouble with looking for alternatives to the iTunes Music Store — who I do love, but their selection is not always all I’d hope it could be — is that everyone else is unacceptable because they:

  • …have a tacky web site, involving either ugly graphics or flash that crashes my browser, functionally disqualifying them;
  • …force you to sign up before you can browse their selection and see if they’ve even got what it is you’re after;
  • …or just sound really sketchy and fly by night such that i’m not particularly interested in giving them my money.


The Neighbor Must Die.

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Jesus Christ, if you people don’t get your goddamned subwoofer away from our shared wall, or turn the volume down, or do whatever the fuck you have to do to quit fucking inflicting your horrible taste on me every morning and every evening, I’m going to go Jack Nicholson in the Shining on your tacky, tasteless asses.

I feel just awful for you, not having a life and all, but I’m trying to write a fucking blog entry over here and you are not helping.

Also, you’re really fucking irritating me. STFU!

i am substandard.

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there’s really nothing quite like being the only single girl at a party and not being hit on.

and it doesn’t particularly matter if it was a tiny party, or half the guys at the party were married or otherwise unavailable. there’s still this distinct feeling of explicit rejection.

every time i think i’m okay with the idea that i’ll never be good enough, or whatever, something stupid happens to make me not okay any longer.

and it upsets me so goddamn much because the fact is that no matter how much yogurt i eat or how many salads i have, i’ll never be good enough. i gave up on ever being hot years ago, then reluctantly gave up on being cute, and now i guess i’m giving up on being even remotely attractive. i used to think that maybe i was smart or funny enough (even if somewhat shy) to make up for the rest, but obviously i was utterly, utterly mistaken the entire time.

i hate this. i have been going through life my entire life wishing i could be different, and trying so hard, but always failing. and i guess i should just give up.

this sounds so depressing, but i’m honestly this depressed. i have a lot of friends, but no one ever hits on me. at this point, i’d settle for a sleazy scumbag obviously cheating on his wife, that i’d end up turning down, just to feel like someone, anyone might possibly like me.