the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

a Telegraph writer catches a magic bus:

There is a rumbling in the distance. Not the kind of chugging you associate with a No 9 sailing down a regular road but a quietly auspicious throbbing, and then there’s the sight of a moving tower in the distance, lights all blazing yellow through its mostly drawn curtains. As it gets closer, the Knight Bus is just quite astonishingly, well, big…

shrimpy goes to lisa

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this is what happens when you let niqui out to play with the other kids without adequate supervision.

for pxr5

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pxr5, this one’s for you:


this talk could have been subtitled “the many reasons felt she had to leave due to the massive suck.”

and then there’s the whole memey thing about blogging about blogging about (and blogging about) writing about the talk, which i can’t resist doing because i’m a sheep…

not much time to talk

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foreach my $uri (@ {
   open(LINK, $uri) or die “I’m too lame to read sabrina’s lame links.\n”;