the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too


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this is obviously the stage of recovery they call OH MY FUCKING SHIT THIS HURTS. no amount of vicodin in the world can help ne now.


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post surgery, all is well. very sleepy now. maybe more later.

fish and no surgery

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from an email i sent earlier:

doctors are fish.

after telling me how bad my break was and they were going to send me to surgery, they decided that i might have yet a fourth broken bone and sent me to ct… after which they decided thaat yep, it’s pretty darn broken–and then they sent me home. go figure. i have to call a specialist. i have no idea when i’ll get to go in for surgery. i hope it’s soon… allegedly it’s outpatient.

so far the only opinion on recovery time i’ve been able to extract from anyone is “end of january.” joy.

this sucks

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1. it takes far too long to bathe and wash hair one-handed.

2. i don’t own any elastic-waist anything exceptfor pajamas, which means i have to go shopping for some. and suddenly shopping sounds much less fun.

3. can’t use my hair dryer, so i’ve been sitting around the house, ordering from peapod at the speed of mud, for like 2 hours now waiting for my stupid hair to dry so i can go to the hospital.

4. I CAN’T COOK. sseriously, i mean, i can’t even make mac and cheese from a box because i couldn’t lift the pasta pot off the stove. am really cranky about not cooking.

5. my hair is finally almost dry, and i just realized that once i leave my apartment, i won’t be able to get back in — you have to twist the doorknob at the same time you turn the deadbolt key, or it won’t open. faaaaaaabulous. … so i just called maintenance. hopefully they can replace the knob.

6. this vicodin is making me REALLY sleepy. i have things to do! i can’t fall asleep! plus it doesn’t even really help with the pain at all. vicodin is overrated.

this sucks.

a very bad all nighter

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i’d write more about this evening, but i now have a compound fracture in my right wrist that may require surgery, and frankly all the vicodin is doing for me is making me want to puke.

fun, fun, fun.