the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in hobbies


So a few weeks ago my friend Michael asked if I could maybe possibly if I had a free minute make him a sweater? I’m not sure who suggested it, but we decided to go with handspun wool for it. (And yes, I did disclaim that it would probably take me at least two years. […]

One of these two threads is my handspun merino singles for a laceweight 2-ply. The other is commercial sewing thread. Guess! No cheating by looking at Flickr first to find the answer. No cheating by scrolling down. No cheating in general. Margaret Stove is ZOMG THE BEST TEACHER EVER, YOU GUYS. For serious. For reals. […]

awwww snap

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Shit just got real! I’m now officially a card-carrying wannabe triathlete!

in which i set new goals

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So last summer quarter I took a class which alleged to be about Stress Management for Health and Wellness, but which was not so much, really. But I did wind up getting something out of it — for a project, I consolidated some of the stuff I’d been noodling on for a while, like my […]