the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in politics

kinda cool, i guess

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one good thing about having the ginormous television above my cube at work is i get to watch full coverage of bush at the united nations segue straight into “holy shit, tanks have just taken over bangkok” coup coverage. weirdness.

filking the fed

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hahahahaha. politics, the police, professional positioning, and parody all in one. (a student-created video of the dean of the columbia b-school longing for the fed chair. almost enough to make me want to go back and take some more econ classes because evidently some of the students are pretty fun.)

i keep thinking of things i should post to lotd, but i keep forgetting them before i get around to it. fortunately, sometimes i get a reminder, like this one, to post Dear NSA: From: sabrina downard To: Dear NSA Subject: Question! Dear NSA: I’m contemplating installing a small towel rack on my bathroom wall. […]


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Am starting to feel like getting myself a sign and joining the rallies just to piss off the people sending me anti-immigration political emails about the evils of people who fail to speak English and who take jobs away from citizens (who are all lining up to pick strawberries, i’m sure).

Dear Democrats:

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niqui is so not pleased with recent turns of events. get your asses in gear, you lazy shits! no love, –sabrina.